BGG Chats w/Celebrity Hair Stylist Ted Gibson!

From magazine spreads to red carpet looks, Ted Gibson has styled the hair of some of today’s hottest celebrities, including Gabrielle Union, Angelina Jolie, Zoe Saldana and more.

Ted’s effervescent attitude and knowledge of hair has made him one of the country’s most sought-after stylists. He’s appeared on a number of shows, including The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, and most recently as the resident hair guru on TLC’s hit series, What Not To Wear. His mantra, “Beauty is Individual,” is a testament to celebrating every woman’s uniqueness.

Click here for our Q&A!

What’s styles are you wearing this summer?


  1. Love Ted Gibson’s work…I’ll def be checking out your Q & A!

    I’m rocking natural hair for the summer…I’ve actually been natural for nearly a year, but for summer I’ll be wearing more protective styles.

  2. I am a dress wearing girl during the summer. I like my bright colors and sandals during the heat.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  3. Anonymous says:

    i will be going over to to check out the interview!

  4. Love his works. It’s like he can make anyone beautiful with just a flip of his hand.

    I’m already checking out his Q&A. Later 😉

  5. I loved the interveiw and attempted to leave a comment but there was error 🙁 Anyhoo, I love his mantra “Beauty is individual”. So true, so true! I’m still trying to figure out what a textured pony tail is and what is matte hair??

  6. Love the interview. Ted is amazing on what not to wear!! Everyone always looks fabulous!

  7. Huge fan of his work! Heading over to to check out the Q&A.

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