With two little finicky eaters in my home, it’s hard to find healthy food and snacks that will satisfy their picky palates. But, when all else fails there’s one thing that’s always a go—yogurt!
My five-year-old daughter has loved Stonyfield Organic YoBaby yogurt since she was two and it’s also my 19-month-old son’s go-to dessert. For years I had been giving the single packets to my daughter straight from the fridge, but just recently discovered that freezing them turns them into a delicious froyo treat.
Packed with good bacteria aka probiotics to keep digestive systems happy, yogurt is the perfect alternative to sugar-laden ice cream. Unlike other brands, YoBaby is completely organic with whole milk and fruit and isn’t made with any antibiotics, artificial hormones or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Plus, they’re super convenient and relatively mess-free.

Stonyfield Organic Yogurt is available at grocery stores nationwide. Check them out in the dairy aisle!
So when I was invited to attend YoBaby’s Sweet 16 celebration brunch at the lovely Bouley Botanical event space in Manhattan last month, I was thrilled! It’s always great to gain more insight and information about a brand or company that my family uses and loves. Not only did my kids enjoy the yummy yogurt on hand at the event, but I learned about the company’s 16-year history and received great tips on how to get them to eat more than just yogurt! While it’s a nutritious snack option, their diet definitely needs to be well-balanced with more veggies, grains and protein.

Me and my son enjoying some yogurt at the Stonyfield Organic YoBaby Sweet 16 celebration in New York City on April 28, 2015.
YoBaby partnered with dietician and mom blogger, Sally Kuzemchak, MS, RD of RealMomNutrtion.com to give us moms and editors in attendance feeding ideas to encourage successful eating for babies at different stages.
Check out a few of the tips:
6 months—Purees are the standard first foods for babies but if your little one is interested in self-feeding, experiment with soft, long pieces of finger foods he can easily hold in his hand like wedges of ripe avocado or roasted sweet potatoes.
9 months—Give your baby some yogurt or cooked cereal and a spoon, she can try her hand at self-feeding. Also, introducing whole grains and eggs are a great option at this stage.
12 months—Phase out formula and opt for whole milk for your growing tot. Small finger foods like chickpeas and tofu cubes are fun to eat and nutritious!
24 months—Avoid making separate “kid food” and make meals that your whole family will enjoy. Serving your toddler the same meals as the family will encourage them to try more foods like healthy leafy greens.
Do you have a picky eater in your family? Do your babies/tots/kids enjoy yogurt? If so, I’m giving away a prize pack of YoBaby yogurt to one lucky reader. Simply leave a comment below or Tweet me (@browngirlgumbo) telling me how you get your child to eat different foods to maintain a healthy diet. The winner will be announced on Tuesday, May 26th. This giveaway is only open to U.S residents.