Kerry Washington On Why She’s Voting for Barack Obama

Kerry Washington, star of ABC’s, “Scandal,” is no stranger to publicly supporting President Barack Obama.

As a member of the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, she’s been a trailblazer in organizing fundraisers to keep arts in schools across the country. In addition to that position, she volunteers tirelessly for his current campaign. This time, the actress, 35, took to the The Daily Beast to pen an open letter pledging her support for POTUS.

Check out an excerpt below:

Kerry Washington speaking at the Democratic National Convention on Sept. 6, 2012 in Charlotte, N.C. Photo via TheDailyBeast/Getty

“We, the people.

Throughout our history, we’ve expanded the meaning of our nation’s founding phrase, to include more and more of our citizens because we believe that the American dream isn’t about any one person or segment of society. It’s about all of us, working together to move forward.

That’s also what this election is about. And it’s why I’m voting for President Barack Obama.”

Click here to read the rest!

Will you be tuning in to the final presidential debate between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney tonight? Also, are you obsessed with Scandal like so many BGs?

BGG Chats w/Author K.M. Jackson

One of my fellow blogging buddies, K.M. Jackson (from Kwana Writes), has done what many of us creative types aspire to do; she wrote and published a book!

Her debut novel, Through the Lens, is a fun and sexy tale of a young woman who finally catches the eye of her object of desire. Set on a remote island, Jackson’s stellar descriptive writing style takes readers on a romantic, spellbinding journey.

I recently spoke with the New York native and chatted about her new book, the book publishing industry, and more.

Move over 50 Shades of Grey, there’s a new steamy page-turner on your New York Times best-seller tail!

K.M Jackson, author of Through the Lens

Check out the Q&A:

BGG: At what age did you realize that you wanted to write professionally?
Jackson: Growing up a city girl taking the ‘A’ train everyday to high school I had two dreams. One was to be a fashion designer and the other was to be a writer. After ten years working in the New York Fashion world I became a stay at home mother to my school age twins. It was then that I decided to pursue my other dream of being a writer. Of course the professional part didn’t come for quite a few years but it did come.

BGG: Through the Lens is such a sexy page-turner! Is romance your favorite writing genre? 
Jackson: It is. I’ve always loved romance. Give me something that makes my heart flutter and I’m in. I enjoy a book with strong characters and even stronger emotion and I think the romance genre as that no matter if you go for contemporary, historical, suspense you can find that payoff in romance.

BGG: Without giving it away, is there a message in Through the Lens that you’d like readers to grasp?
Jackson: That is a tough one. I don’t like to get preachy in my books and I don’t start off with any sort of message. This being a romance I would say there is a definitely a message of true love conquering all but over that there is a message of finding strength and self worth that I hope comes through.

Through the Lens is available at Amazon, BN, and iTunes!

BGG: E-publishing is on the rise to the joy of many writers. What were your initial thoughts about it?
Jackson: Honestly, at first I was nervous. Like so many writers I had dreams of going the traditional route and being published by one of the big six or is it four or two now? Who knows? But after so many years of rejections and getting close and ‘we love your voice but just don’t know where to put you,’ I see e-publishing as a wonderful opportunity take more control of my own career and finally get my stories out there.

BGG: Prior to publishing with Crimson, did you find it difficult to not be labeled as “African-American” romance, but simply romance?
Jackson: Absolutely. I know that is cause for debate but it has always bugged me that there has been this separate but unequal thing with African-American writers or any writers of color. I believe I have had a harder time getting my books out there because my characters were not black enough. Yes, I’ve had an agent tell me this and what a horror that that is still a thing. I, clearly in his eyes, wrote books with too much diversity and he said the publisher would have a hard time knowing where to shelve my books. This to me was a heartbreaker. But I’m thrilled to now have found a publisher in Crimson who regardless of the color of the characters or more importantly the color of the author does not segregate the romance.

BGG: Who are a few of your favorite authors?
Jackson: There are too many to count and I fear if I leave some out I’ll be doing your readers a disservice. I read so many books and my favorite is the one that keeps me up and has me fibbing to my husband about the time. You know, saying it’s only midnight and it’s really 3am and I’m still up reading. Shh don’t tell!

BGG: Now that you have two more books in the works, what can readers expect?
Jackson: Thanks so much for asking. Through the Lens is the first in what I’m calling my Creative Hearts series and my publisher, Crimson Romance, has just contracted the next two in the series. These next two will be stand alone books like Through the Lens but have characters that the readers will meet in each of the preceding books. The defining thread is that the main characters all have creative jobs and come from New York. Up next is my sexy book set in the art world and then after that is a book set in the sometimes not so glam New York fashion design world. I’m so excited to bring these two out. I’m a New Yorker and have an intense love of the city so I’m thrilled to set my books here.

BGG: What advice do you have for aspiring authors who dream of getting published?
Jackson: Keep writing. It took me over ten years and countless rejections. And I’m sure there may be plenty more in the future but as they say (and yes, it is annoying) no writing is wasted writing. You do get better with every word. So keep at it. Don’t give up. Also get yourself some fantastic, loving, critique partners who know their stuff. Yes, men will do you no good in life. I’m forever grateful to my group of supportive writer friends who have helped me along the way.

If you haven’t already checked out my iPad case giveaway, this would be the perfect book to download to your newly outfitted tablet!

What books are you guys reading right now?

Partying for a Cause with Petals-N-Belles

We BGs know that the only way to move forward in life is to give back. That’s why I was so excited to attend the Petals-N-Belles’ Limitless 2012 one-year anniversary event at Greenhouse here in New York City earlier this week. Founded by Damali Elliott last year, Petals-n-Belles is a New York-based mentoring  organization created to empower and inspire young girls.

Hosted by 106 & Park TV personality, Rocsi Diaz, the fabulous fundraiser was co-chaired by ESSENCE’s Editor-at-Large, Emil Wilbekin and social media maven and founder of Dinner with Bevy, LLC, Bevy Smith. With over 300 attendees, Petals-N-Belles raised over $10,000 to help support its spring and summer mentorship programs.

Not only did guests give back, but they also mingled and partied to the tunes of DJ Kiss. Plus, some of the mentees were present and spoke positively about the powerful influence of Petals-n-Belles. Having only been established for a year, Elliott is well on her way to improving and impacting the lives of countless young girls one mentee at a time.

Check out these pics from the event:

From (L toR): Petals-N-Belle founder, Damali Elliott, Shantelle (singer), and Rocsi Diaz
Event co-chairs: Essence Editor-at-Large Emil Wilbekin and social media maven/Dinner with Bevy LLC founder, Bevy Smith
Chrisette Michelle

Petals-N-Belles partner Isis Adewale and Board member Larry Ossei-Mensah

All photos Hannan/Selah/

For more information on Petals-N-Belles, please click here.

Do you mentor? Were you or are you currently being mentored? 

Brown Baby Gumbo Is Back/Disney To Debut New BG-Friendly Animated-Series

For all of my BG mommy readers, please check out my sister site: Brown Baby Gumbo, where I’ll be stirring up everything that chic brown babies (and moms) love! I started this blog back in 2010 a few months after the birth of my daughter, Ava, but I put it on hiatus shortly after its launch. Now that I’m able to devote more time to it, I’ve decided to bring it back.

Check out what Disney has in store for little brown girls and boys over at Brown Baby Gumbo!

I appreciate your support on my new site venture in advance! XOXO – Karla 

EVENT ALERT: “Million Hoodie March” in NYC for Trayvon Martin

While I typically only cover light-hearted, fashion, beauty, and celebrity stories, I’d be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the disgusting and heinous death of Trayvon Martin, 17, who was gunned down by  “neighborhood watchman” George Zimmerman, 28, Feb. 26 in Sanford, Florida. To date, Zimmerman has not been officially charged with any crime and is currently a free man. Zimmerman claims that he acted in “self-defense.”

Thanks to social media, people who are outraged that Zimmerman is not in jail facing a murder trial will have the opportunity to join others who are calling for justice and an end to racial profiling at 6pm this evening for a “Million Hoodie March,” in New York City. It has been reported that Martin’s parents will be in attendance.

The event, which was organized via Facebook will start in Union Square and end at the United Nations building on the east side. Organizers hope that participants will wear hooded apparel for the march. “A Black person in a hood isn’t automatically ‘suspicious,'”reads the event’s Facebook page.

Participants are also urged to upload photos of themselves in their hoodies to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram using hashtag #MillionHoodies. Also, be sure to sign the petition to prosecute Martin’s murderer on

President Barack Obama Loves Black People

In an effort to ensure that we BGs and guys get out and re-elect President Barack Obama into office, he announced via video the 2012 launch of African-Americans for Obama campaign to rally African-American voters.

In the video, the president says, “I don’t think there’s a better time than African-American history month to consider the tremendous progress that we’ve made through the sacrifices of so many, or a better time to commit to meeting the very real challenges we face right now.”

He added that he wants us “to continue making history,” by using our voting power at the polls.

Watch the entire video below:

Do you think President Barack Obama will be re-elected?

Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Even though he left this earth over 40 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s memory and legacy are still alive today. We BGs and guys should be especially grateful for his contribution toward making our lives better in this country. His unyielding desire for all people to be treated equally despite the color of their skin was remarkable. If it weren’t for his courage and others civil rights activists like him, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

Take a moment out of your day to stop and reflect and honor this outstanding man’s legacy. Be sure to check out your local newpapers or go online to find MLK-related events taking place in your area today.

He may be gone physically, but his dream will live forever!

Have you visited the MLK Memorial in D.C? Are you planning to visit sometime this year?