BGG Chats w/Author K.M. Jackson

One of my fellow blogging buddies, K.M. Jackson (from Kwana Writes), has done what many of us creative types aspire to do; she wrote and published a book!

Her debut novel, Through the Lens, is a fun and sexy tale of a young woman who finally catches the eye of her object of desire. Set on a remote island, Jackson’s stellar descriptive writing style takes readers on a romantic, spellbinding journey.

I recently spoke with the New York native and chatted about her new book, the book publishing industry, and more.

Move over 50 Shades of Grey, there’s a new steamy page-turner on your New York Times best-seller tail!

K.M Jackson, author of Through the Lens

Check out the Q&A:

BGG: At what age did you realize that you wanted to write professionally?
Jackson: Growing up a city girl taking the ‘A’ train everyday to high school I had two dreams. One was to be a fashion designer and the other was to be a writer. After ten years working in the New York Fashion world I became a stay at home mother to my school age twins. It was then that I decided to pursue my other dream of being a writer. Of course the professional part didn’t come for quite a few years but it did come.

BGG: Through the Lens is such a sexy page-turner! Is romance your favorite writing genre? 
Jackson: It is. I’ve always loved romance. Give me something that makes my heart flutter and I’m in. I enjoy a book with strong characters and even stronger emotion and I think the romance genre as that no matter if you go for contemporary, historical, suspense you can find that payoff in romance.

BGG: Without giving it away, is there a message in Through the Lens that you’d like readers to grasp?
Jackson: That is a tough one. I don’t like to get preachy in my books and I don’t start off with any sort of message. This being a romance I would say there is a definitely a message of true love conquering all but over that there is a message of finding strength and self worth that I hope comes through.

Through the Lens is available at Amazon, BN, and iTunes!

BGG: E-publishing is on the rise to the joy of many writers. What were your initial thoughts about it?
Jackson: Honestly, at first I was nervous. Like so many writers I had dreams of going the traditional route and being published by one of the big six or is it four or two now? Who knows? But after so many years of rejections and getting close and ‘we love your voice but just don’t know where to put you,’ I see e-publishing as a wonderful opportunity take more control of my own career and finally get my stories out there.

BGG: Prior to publishing with Crimson, did you find it difficult to not be labeled as “African-American” romance, but simply romance?
Jackson: Absolutely. I know that is cause for debate but it has always bugged me that there has been this separate but unequal thing with African-American writers or any writers of color. I believe I have had a harder time getting my books out there because my characters were not black enough. Yes, I’ve had an agent tell me this and what a horror that that is still a thing. I, clearly in his eyes, wrote books with too much diversity and he said the publisher would have a hard time knowing where to shelve my books. This to me was a heartbreaker. But I’m thrilled to now have found a publisher in Crimson who regardless of the color of the characters or more importantly the color of the author does not segregate the romance.

BGG: Who are a few of your favorite authors?
Jackson: There are too many to count and I fear if I leave some out I’ll be doing your readers a disservice. I read so many books and my favorite is the one that keeps me up and has me fibbing to my husband about the time. You know, saying it’s only midnight and it’s really 3am and I’m still up reading. Shh don’t tell!

BGG: Now that you have two more books in the works, what can readers expect?
Jackson: Thanks so much for asking. Through the Lens is the first in what I’m calling my Creative Hearts series and my publisher, Crimson Romance, has just contracted the next two in the series. These next two will be stand alone books like Through the Lens but have characters that the readers will meet in each of the preceding books. The defining thread is that the main characters all have creative jobs and come from New York. Up next is my sexy book set in the art world and then after that is a book set in the sometimes not so glam New York fashion design world. I’m so excited to bring these two out. I’m a New Yorker and have an intense love of the city so I’m thrilled to set my books here.

BGG: What advice do you have for aspiring authors who dream of getting published?
Jackson: Keep writing. It took me over ten years and countless rejections. And I’m sure there may be plenty more in the future but as they say (and yes, it is annoying) no writing is wasted writing. You do get better with every word. So keep at it. Don’t give up. Also get yourself some fantastic, loving, critique partners who know their stuff. Yes, men will do you no good in life. I’m forever grateful to my group of supportive writer friends who have helped me along the way.

If you haven’t already checked out my iPad case giveaway, this would be the perfect book to download to your newly outfitted tablet!

What books are you guys reading right now?

Fantasia Talks Motherhood & Beauty with BGG

Since becoming the American Idol back in 2004, Fantasia Barrino has experienced many triumphs, as well as her fair share of trials and tribulations.

From a highly publicized suicide attempt to controversy surrounding her alleged affair with a married man, Fantasia has risen above the drama.  The Grammy-nominated singer, 27, chooses to focus on what’s the most important aspect of her life — being a mother.

Mom to infant son, Dallas Xavier, and daughter, Zion, 11, Fantasia will celebrate this Mother’s Day, Sunday May 13th,  here in New York City where she’ll be performing in concert with Charlie Wilson at The Paradise Theater in the Bronx.

I caught up with the busy mom to talk motherhood, beauty, and if she still watches the show that made her a household name.

Check out the Q&A:

I know that your son is only a few months old, but so far, how has motherhood been different this time around since having your daughter, Zion?
“Motherhood is amazing! I love it! Being a mother you learn something new about yourself everyday. Having an older daughter, I have gotten comfortable in the way I was raising my child. But having a new addition, it’s the start of new ideas. I’m nurturing both of them and in return they are helping me continue to define who Fantasia is. I love my babies!”

Can you describe your ideal Mother’s Day? 
I feel like my ideal Mother’s Day is everyday. Zion and Dallas both make me smile everyday without there being any special occasion. They are both still very young so there isn’t much they can give but their love and the special card’s Zion makes at school, which always warms my spirit.

Being a mom myself, I know that it’s the hardest, yet most rewarding job in the world. What would you say has been the most challenging aspect of motherhood being an entertainer? 
“I think the most challenging part of being a mother and working not just in the music industry, but any industry would have to me managing your time. I have done a great job at managing my time between work and making sure I am around for every significant moment in my children’s lives.”

You’ve had many hairstyles throughout the years. With so many women going natural lately, would you ever consider it?
“I would consider going natural. I do what makes me feel good at that moment. If going natural so happens to be it, then so be it!”

What are a few of the beauty products that you absolutely can’t live without? 
“I love Pink Luster products not only because I have worked with them, but because I’ve used it since before anyone ever knew who I was. They make great products that not only make your hair look good, but also keep it healthy which is important.”

You’ve overcome so much in your life. What do you do to stay above the drama and as stress-free as possible? Do you do yoga or meditate?
“Praying and keeping God first has always helped me over come any difficulties in my life. I don’t allow myself to stress because it doesn’t change anything.”

Do you still watch American Idol
“I still love American Idol and I am spilt between Joshua Ledet and Jessica Sanchez. I love both of them!”

What’s your favorite Fantasia song?

BGG Chats w/Celebrity Hairstylist Kiyah Wright

Recently, I stopped by Procter & Gamble’s Studio in Rockefeller Center to catch up with celebrity hairstylist and Clairol Professional Colorist Kiyah Wright as she transformed three fabulous women into full-on glamazons!

Wright was on-hand as part of the Clairol Professional “Reveal the Fabulous in You” Facebook contest awarding three lucky women from across the country with a trip to New York City and a hair makeover by the famed stylist.

While I only met one of the winners, Fannie from North Carolina, she was beaming with excitement and anticipation of what magic Wright had up her sleeve when it came to her makeover. “I’m not sure, but so far I think it’s going to be some curls,” she guessed.

Kiyah putting finishing touches on Fannie’s ‘do!

From Ciara to Jennifer Hudson, Wright has styled the tresses of some of the hottest stars on stage and in Hollywood. When it comes to the the right color, cut, or style, Wright knows what looks best on her clients.

Check out some snippets and tips she shared with me: 

Advice for giving my hair some much-needed pizazz:
“You should get some color! You’re not ready to be gray. You need a semi-permanent, which Clairol offers. It’s less damaging and provides shines. I would also add some warmness to it too. Like lift it up a few shades.”

Her favorite style to create for a client:
“I enjoy doing makeovers the most. I am more about giving each client a custom look.”

On the most timeless hairstyle of all:
“The bob is like an old favorite and it looks good on everybody. You can do a bang, a side part, or a middle part with a bob. It’s just classic; it never goes away.”

On her styling technique: 
“I take a lot of pride in my work. I’ve been doing it over 18 years and I’m still excited about it. I do a lot of seminars, etc. One of the things I preach to the students is that most stylists don’t style hair in the mirror. They sit on the chair and they turn the chair away from the mirror and go for their own comfortability versus looking at the client while they’re styling, but that’s how you get inspired.”

Her favorite spring trends:
“This season is all about color-blocking, ombre, and liquid liners. It’s also all about the pastels. I recently did a how-to on how to create your own clip-ins and go from day to night by popping in a bit of pastel pinks, etc.”

Her thoughts on the natural hair revolution:
“I think it’s just people’s way of expressing themselves. This is who I am. This is my hair. This is a part of me. People are just expressing themselves in fashion, clothes, and with hair.  Right now it is a bit of a trend, but it’s really who we are. I think being natural is forever, but you can change up your natural look.”

The key to maintaining healthy hair:
“Making sure that you are conditioning it often, at least weekly. Textured hair should not be shampooed more than twice a week. Make sure to get bi-monthly trims and tie it up at night with a scarf, or use a silk/satin pillowcase and even carry it when you travel!”

Be sure to check out Kiyah Wright’s blog for more tips and how-tos!

How do you currently wear your hair?

BGG Chats with Beverly Johnson

Beverly Johnson’s enviable cheekbones, smooth cocoa brown skin, almond-shaped eyes, and megawatt smile defined black beauty in the 70s and beyond. Having graced more than 500 magazine covers throughout her career, including the coveted first Vogue cover featuring an African-American model, Johnson, 59, has staying power that’s proven that she’s by far more than just a pretty face.

The model/actress who can be seen in Tyler Perry’s latest film, Good Deeds, also recently relaunched an eponymous haircare product and ponytail line available at Target and Beverly Johnson. Plus, she’s heading to the small screen with: Beverly’s Full House, an OWN networked-produced docu-series guaranteed to give us a glimpse into the woman behind the magazine covers, movies, and entrepreneurial endeavors.

I recently spoke with the super talented supermodel-turned-mogul about her upcoming projects, being a grandmother, and more. Check it out below:

On getting her reality show on Oprah’s Winfrey’s OWN network.
The last time I was on her (The Oprah Winfrey Show) show, I told her that I had a couple of great shows that I’d like to pitch to her. I had a pitch meeting with her producers and they were like, “Wow, that’s a great show and wow, that’s a great show.” Then I said that there was one other show that I didn’t have completely fleshed out, but I started telling them about the funny stories about my daughter and her family moving in with me. And they were like, “That’s the television show.”

Sneak Peek: Watch the First 5 Minutes of Beverly’s Full House

On becoming a grandmother.
Yay, baby Ava! I’m so in love. She’s 8-months old. The name (Ava) is coming back. I chose the name. It’s such a beautiful name and it’s romantic, but it’s strong. It just has so much character. What was so beautiful about Beverly Johnson’s Full House is that Ava’s whole life is recorded since the time she was born. It’s kind of nice because all of that is documented.”

On what she learned from taping Beverly’s Full House.
I was surprised to learn things about me. I’m an authentic person to begin with meaning I don’t really put on airs, but you really see yourself for who you are and what was so interesting with this show is that you learn so much about yourself. I’m thinking that i know everything about myself, but I realized that I really don’t know anything about myself. I’m watching it and saying, “No, you didn’t just say that or you’re short with someone or being moody.”

One her most cherished magazine cover.
The Vogue (1974) cover. That’s the one that defined me. That’s the one that defined black beauty in America where they finally said, “Ok, we are beautiful and they acknowledged that in mainstream America.”

Beverly Johnson was the first black model ever to land the cover of Vogue in 1974.

On whom she enjoys seeing grace the runways. 
I love Joan Smalls, Liya Kebede, Jessica White, and others;  I like keeping up with the girls.”

Advice for aspiring models. 
Always have a Plan A, B, C, and D! It’s not that kind of career that’s going to last forever. I also insist that they continue with their education. That’s something that no one can ever take away. That’s the same advice I gave my daughter and it’s the same advice I give to all young ladies.”

On what sets her products apart from other brands. 
I’m doing something that I was always afraid to do and that is to go into business myself. For the last line I had partners and the hair extension company was a royalty licensing agreement. I decided that it’s either now or never so I took the leap of faith.

The new haircare line are my dream products. I always felt that there was always a hole in multicultural haircare market. Everything is not about Shea butter and I love Shea butter! The products that I had before were ok, but now these are my dream products. It’s my direct involvement in the sense that I own my own power. It was time for me to do what I thought was best and that’s what we’re doing.”

Top Model Shampoo available at for $12.95

On her absolute must-haves from the line. 
“‘Top Model’ shampoo and the ‘Work It’ conditioning treatments are just divine products. Also the shine spray can be used on very fine or curly hair because it’s really light-weight. Target only has 7 of our products, but my website Beverly Johnson has all 24. There’s something for everybody on the site. I also just began my introductory skincare products too.

The price-points are a bit higher from the first Beverly Johnson brand, but the new and improved line is reflective of the quality. We also have my all new dream packaging!”

On being an entrepreneur.
More women are going into business now more than ever before. People shouldn’t be afraid. There’s  certainly room for more women to go into business.”

Beverly Johnson’s Full House premieres Saturday, March 31st at 10PM, EST on OWN

Will you tune in to watch Beverly’s Full House?

Target Exec Laysha Ward Talks Diversity

Anyone who knows me knows that Target is by far my favorite store. The fact that I visit the superstore at least 4 times a week speaks volumes about obsession.

Granted, I frequent the store to stock up on coveted fashions from Missoni to Jason Wu, and other essentials, but also because the “bullseye” gives back extensively. Plus, it seems to understand the importance and power of diversity, which so many other companies still struggle with despite the tapestry of America.

Laysha Ward, President, Community Relations and Target Foundation, reading with a young girl. Photo Courtesy of Target

That said, in honor of Black History Month, Laysha Ward, the President, Community Relations and Target Foundation (who happens to be a BG), spoke in a recent interview with Target’s online magazine about community, who inspires her, and more.

Check out a snippet of the interview:

What does Black History Month mean to you?
Laysha Ward: I celebrate the rich tapestry and melting pot that represents the foundation of the United States 365 days out of the year. But I love how Black History Month opens up the conversation on progress we’ve made in helping people of all backgrounds succeed – and the reality of how far we have to go.

How does Target inspire an inclusive community?
LW: The most important thing any company can do is to listen, and I think that is something we are doing very well right now. We are listening to team members from every background, culture and preference. We are asking what it feels like to work at Target – all the good and all the challenges. And we’re using that information to drive decisions about how to make this a more inclusive place to work – and a stronger company all around.

To read the rest of the interview click here.

How often do you shop at Target?

BGG Chats with Kimora Lee Simmons

Ever since she hopped on the seen as Mrs. Russell Simmons back in the late 1990s, Kimora Lee has become a mainstay in urban pop culture. From turning the fashion brand, Baby Phat, into an empire to her outrageous antics on her reality show, Life in the Fab Lane, Ms. Fabulosity has no plans of slowing down.

I recently spoke with the fashion mogul about life after Baby Phat, being a mom of three, and more. Check out the interview here.

Are you a “Fabulosity” fan? 

BGG Chats with Sherri Shepherd

From chatting up the hottest celebrities on The View, to hosting The Newlywed Game, to being a mother and wife, Sherri Shepherd proves that it is possible to have it all.

The Emmy-award winning newlywed, 44,  shares how she successfully wears many hats while maintaining the most important aspect of her life – family. The comedian/actress spoke with me about how she balances it all, along with her latest “powerful” venture, being a spokeswoman for Oral-B’s power toothbrush, and more.

On her wedding that aired on the Style Network
“We had a great time planning it. It was so perfect and beautiful. There was very little drama. I don’t think I would’ve changed a thing about my wedding. If anything, the only thing that I was probably a Bridezilla about was our bridal party dance. Everybody was complaining, being silly and saying, “I don’t know why we’re doing this.” I was like look, “This is the only thing that I want. I’m not making you get a weave in your hair or wear uncomfortable shoes, but you will get this dance if it’s the last thing we do because it is going to go viral and it will be perfect! Elisabeth Hasselbeck, get your butt over here and start moving Niecy Nash you are not on Dancing With the Stars – get it together. It worked out – they came together for me.”

Her Windy City roots
“I’m from the south side. It (her wedding) was so special because all of my family is from Chicago. The problem with getting married in Chicago was that you had family members saying, ‘Uh cuz, I didn’t get my invitation cuz,’ and I’d be like, ‘It’s because I didn’t send you an invitation cuz,’ but other than that I love being in Chicago.”

On how she thinks she and her husband, Sal, would fare on The Newlywed Game

“My mother-in-law would probably stop talking to me. And I’d probably be so embarrassed. My husband has no filter so he would to tell you the How, When and the Why of our intimate life. So you would probably never see us on that game!”

On the importance of oral hygiene
“I’m so excited that I’m partnering with Oral-B because I hope to inspire people to take control of their oral health. I don’t think a lot people realize that if you don’t have your oral health and smile and if your teeth are not together that it affects so many aspects of your life: relationships, self-esteem, and just your ovreall health. Your mouth is the gateway to everything, that’s why I’m trying to inpsire every one to jump on the power toothbrush train. I just started using my Oral-B power toothbrush and I thought I was good before, but when I turned this thing on, I almost got blown out of the bathroom with the power of this toothbrush! It’s so much easier than using a manual toothbrush. I don’t ever want to go back to using a manual one. My dentist also saw that the difference when I was using my power toothbrush.”

On balancing being a daytime talk-show host, actress, comedian, wife, and mom

“First of all I have to pray in the morning. One of my prayers is: Lord I give you everything my career, my child, my dreams, my aspirations…Give me back what you want me to have. Show me what I’m supposed to do. What always comes back to me is my #1 priority when I was single – my son, Jeffrey (6-years-old). That was it. So if it was anything that took me away from my child, that dictated whether I’d say no or yes. That’s why you don’t see me at a lot of the red carpet events wearing the latest little dresses, or at the clubs or at the parties dropping it like it’s hot because I have a son. That’s why you don’t see me doing the “paso doble” on Dancing With the Stars because I have a son and I didn’t have anyone to help me with him. So I had to say no to a lot of things. So as soon as I leave The View I head over to host The Newlywed Game, but as soon as I’m done with that I’m Skypeing with Jeffrey. I’m running home, reading a book and tucking him in at night.”

Her all-time favorite guest on The View
We’ve had so many, but I’d have to say hands-down President Barack Obama. Literally who has the opportunity to sit one person away from the President of the United States? There’s never been a person that had my skin-color EVER leading the free world so to be able to sit there and look at President Barack Obama and then think back to my son and know that my son could do anything that he really truly wants to do because of this man right here – it was just such an honor. I’ll never forget that moment.” 

Are you a Sherri Shepherd fan? Do you use a manual or electric toothbrush?