BGG Chats with Artist Tanekeya Word

Recently, I received an email from a young woman by the name of Tanekeya Word. She had come across BGG and wanted to share some of her work with me. After visiting her website, I quickly saw that she was a brilliant painter and overall highly creative individual. This D.C. resident and Howard University alumna has a beautiful body of artwork that exemplifies strength, femininity and fun! If you’re in the NYC area, you can see her exhibit, Popping: The Rebirth of Fresh at Harriet’s Alter Ego & Gallery today (last day). After falling in love with her eye-catching pieces, I wanted to share them with you.

Check out our Q&A:

BGG: When did you know that you wanted to become an artist?
Tanekeya: I was exposed to art at a very young age, my mother is an artist and she used to draw these lovely women as flowers and as soon as she drew me as a pink rose I was hooked!

BGG: What inspires your artwork?
TW: Life inspires my artwork! Fashion, women, the notion of what a woman is supposed to be, media, literature….I am drawn to the emotions of people and the labels projected on them.

BGG: Who are some of the artists you admired while growing up?
TW: My mother, then I fell in love with Ernie Barnes’ work and Annie Lee’s and Andy Warhol as well as Georges Seurat. Now, I am heavily hooked on Kehinde Wiley, R. Alexander Clark, Mickalene Thomas and Sylvia Ji just to name a few.

BGG: What words would you use to describe your paintings?
TW: Colorful, Fashionable, Couture, Contemporary, Figurative and Inspiring.

“Infamous” part of her Donne Di lusso collection.

BGG: Describe your painting process. How long does it take to complete a piece?
TW: It depends on the artistic technique: the pop art as seen in the “Donne Di lusso” series takes 10 + hours. I have to create the backgrounds then the foregrounds. The series emerged when I worked as an Art Coordinator for a graphic design company. I fell in love with the graphic designers’ work…the flatness of it. So I wondered if there could be a world where graphic design and fine art mixed and so I developed a process where my backgrounds have a flat graphic look and my foregrounds have a fine art process of texture and depth. My “Urban Pointillism” series as depicted in “Sol Lady: Sunrise” has an entirely different approach and it takes 100+ hours…80 hours on a smaller piece. I used a pointillist technique so everything is build from layers of dots. Most people look at them and cannot believe I would have so much patience and determination to finish it. Yet, I am very detailed oriented and I love every point.

BGG: What was the main inspiration behind your “Donne Di lusso” collection?
TW: Growing up there were so many labels put on me. Because I was a strong woman I had to be mean, because I knew what I wanted I was stuck-up, because I loved business I was trying to be in a man’s world. When all I wanted to do everyday was be me and give the world what God had put into my soul to do. I am a woman who does whatever I can to inspire, create and empower; thus, if I choose to be a powerhouse does it make me less of a woman? Can a woman have a voice and still be feminine? Can she cook, clean, have a business and still be seen as a good wife? Yes! I believe that women are multi-faceted and it is okay to straddle the lines of domesticity and patriarchy…we all need one another and if he can cook and I can fix the broken faucet; then as long as dinner is ready and the water is running we are a great team…(laughing)!

“Sol Lady: Sunrise”

BGG: Do you think having attended an HBCU (Howard University), played a major part in cultivating your style of artistry?
TW: Attending Howard was one of the most influential things in my life. Being exposed to the powerhouse nature of its student body and leadership of the faculty the atmosphere gave me a sense of readiness. I left Howard ready to take on the world and claim my spot because it was my right. As well, fashion and politics and business were the normal conversation. Like when there are 18-year-olds sitting down and discussing the stock market rocking the latest sneakers or bag. I realized that stereotypes or labels in general were ways to box others in and I wanted out of it; so, I created art to uplift the unseen.

BGG: I know that you’re an overall extremely creative young woman, what other activities do use as creative outlets?
TW: I just penned my first poetry book “Sugar In the Raw: A Love Saga” on sale at Summer 2008 from my up-and-coming publishing company (website coming Summer 2008 I.C.E. Media Press (acronym stands for Inspire.Create.Empower), I am working on the business plan for my branding company in 2009, completing research for a huge art project about contemporary Urban women in the African Diaspora…this will be a project to remember. Also, I am attending graduate school at American University in the fall for Arts Management and always painting, reading, researching and writing while enjoying the now.

BGG: What are your goals as an artist?
TW: Simply to Inspire, Create, and Empower by sharing my gifts with the world. I believe that I am walking in my destiny and will become a renowned global artist amongst other things.

“Dimples-N-All” part of her Donne Di lusso collection.

BGG: What’s been the greatest advice you’ve been given in regard to being a young African-American female artist?
TW: “Pray, Push and Paint!” and “ See all obstacles as opportunities and keep the faith!”

BGG: What’s next for you?
TW: As the Duchess…I am here to claim my spot as Heiress of the art world; so, I am NEXT…(laughing)

Tanekeya will also have an exhibition the entire month of July entitled “Heir Royal Court: Introducing the Duchess” in Washington, DC. Prints are available for purchase online here.

BGG Chats with Actor/Author Hill Harper

When I first heard that actor/author Hill Harper was coming out with, “Letters to a Young Sister: Define Your Destiny,” an uplifting, encouraging and inspirational book for young African-American women, I knew that I had to interview him for BGG! In case you guys didn’t already know, Hill is an excellent actor who has played in dozens of movies and TV shows, most recently, CBS’s CSI: New York.

He became a published author in 2006 with the release of his first book, “Letters to a Young Brother: Manifest Your Destiny,” which received rave reviews. His new book which has a foreward written by one of our favorite BGs, Gabrielle Union, is the perfect gift for your sister, niece, cousin, mentee, or maybe even for yourself. It would really make a a great gift for that special graduate in your life!

Check out our Q&A:

BGG: Did you ever think that you’d write a book for young women such as, “Letters to a Young Sister?

Hill Harper: Certainly I thought about the fact that women come to my talks and book signings, but that wasn’t what I was thinking necessarily. I actually was thinking that the next thing was going to be a (book) for everybody – men and women. But it became very clear to me the issues our young women are facing and some of the questions that I got from them, made me think that I should really do this book and I’m very happy that I did.

BGG: How did you go about asking the women like Michelle Obama, Eve, Ciara, Angela Bassett and others to be a part of your book? Were you pretty confident that they would be happy to be a part of your journey?

Hill Harper: Well I wasn’t necessarily super confident, but I have relationships with all of those women and I know them all to a certain degree. I figured they know who I am and what I’m about. Also, the first book helps. So when they see your level of quality and dedication behind it, they’re like, “Oh yeah, I can be a part of this.” I was blown away by the response. To have people like Ruby Dee, Michelle Obama, Gabrielle, Ciara, Alfre Woodard…and to have guys like Tavis (Smiley) and Blair Underwood…it’s just wonderful.

BGG: What did you learn about young women from writing this book?

Hill Harper: Wow, you know what? I learned a lot about differences between men and women. Maybe I had a sense of it before, but I never realized it particularly in young men and young women. It was very interesting and it became very clear to me that young women are much more complex than young men.

What I mean by that is that a lot of the young men that I met (during his first book tour) they were kind of black and white. Meaning, either they were doing well in most areas of their lives or not doing well AT ALL in most areas of their lives. With young women I have found that some of them were doing well in one area of their lives, but really bad in others. Their self-esteem could be good, but they could be doing horribly in school. Or she could be doing great in school, but have real issues with friendships or issues with boys. So there’s a level of complexity that young women have that young men don’t have. With guys you can get them revved up and they’re ready to go, but with women it’s like, “Well…let me think…” That’s why this book is longer, has more contributors and is basically more in-depth.

BGG: I know you speak a lot about the strength of the Black women in your life while you were growing up, do you think that we as a community lack positive role models?

Hill Harper: YES!! We lack them in a big way! That’s the reason why I wrote the book. We need mentors and we need role models. We definitely need people to step up.

BGG: What do you hope young women gain from reading this book?

Hill Harper: First and foremost, the most important thing is to deal with self-esteem and self-worth issues. If you don’t deal with these issues first, all of the secondary ones such as education, financial literacy, teen pregnancy prevention and others will fall on deaf ears. So I want young women to think of themselves as F.I.N.E as I put it in the book as being, “Fantastic,” “Interesting,” “Necessary” and “Exceptional.” If they think of themselves as that and let that resonate into their subconscious, they’ll be able to look in the mirror and say, “Yes, I am fine!” and when they look in there, they’ll believe it. That’s the first step in the reprogramming; then we can talk about all of the other things in the book, from dating, to boys, to depression and other areas.

BGG: What do you think is the main reason why many young ethnic women suffer from low self-esteem?

Hill Harper: It’s mainly because they’re bombarded everyday by this culture of knocking down their self-worth. It’s no wonder that their subconscious gets affected when you turn on the music and all you hear is the “b” word or the “h” word. Or when you see a music video or video game and the only women who are considered “attractive” dress and act a certain way and you say, “that’s not me” and think, “Am I not attractive?”

Then you have guys who come at you a certain way because they’ve been misinformed of what a real positive relationship with a woman is because he ends up viewing young women as only one thing – a sexual conquest. That’s why I wrote this book to help counteract a lot of that. It’s a platonic love on paper from a male. There’s no sexual agenda…you’re beautiful because you’re beautiful, you’re wonderful because you’re wonderful. It’s a hug on paper.

BGG: Do you ever aspire to open a youth center of some sort since you have such a deep and powerful connection with young people?

Hill Harper: Actually, I have a foundation called Manifest Your Destiny. Our mission is online mentoring, but we also use scholarships. I’m also a part of the Big Brother, Big Sister program and I actually do work as a spokesperson for that. We have a wait list of kids who have signed up to be mentored, but we can’t fill because there haven’t been enough people who have signed up to become mentors. There should be a wait list of people who want to be a Big Brother or a Big Sister – not the other way around. It’s a shame. So many of our young people are being raised by single mothers. Where are the men? What are we doing? How are we going to step up? So it’s incumbent upon me that what’s the purpose of having any level of celebrity or having any type of money if you’re not going to use it to do some type of good or to effect some type of change?

BGG: What did you find to be the most challenging topic to speak about to young women in the book?

Hill Harper: Dating and sex and all of those things. I say that because I had a really strong point of view about us (men) and how we treat our women. I think those chapters were some of the most valuable. I just really wanted to get it right. There are other things that I didn’t have as much insight into that are facing young sisters, that’s where the surrogate sisters come in. I had them come in and write about body issues, health…

BGG: I know that in the book you joke about all of the texting, blogging, IMing lingo that young people do, out of curiosity, do you frequently read blogs or find yourself sending abbreviated text messages?

Hill Harper: I don’t do it as much. Sometimes I’ll go on, but if someone sends one to me, I’ll read it. Like when a certain website said that I was dating Gabrielle (Union), someone sent it to me, which was totally FALSE! The good thing about blogs is that it allows others to check each other, which I think is good. But at the same time, if it’s just going to be all about gossip or hating on people, then it’s not good. I actually have a chapter in the book that talks about gossip and it’s real. Some of the stuff out there is completely made up!

BGG: What’s next for you? We know that we can find you on CSI: New York, but are there any new projects you’re working on?

Hill Harper: I’ll be on my book tour. Check out for dates/cities. Come out and see me! I’m going to be on hiatus from CSI: New York until August. I’ll be going on an HBCU tour in September through the fall talking to students about financial literacy. Then I have a movie coming out with Ciara called, Mama, I Want to Sing, where I play her manager and she’s an aspiring singer. That comes out in October or November. The goal is to have a book for young African-American to come out as a best-seller! You can pre-order your book at Barnes & Noble and

The book will officially be released on June 3rd. If you’re in the NYC area, he will be conducting a book signing on Tuesday, June 3rd at 7:00 PM:

Hue Man Books
2319 Frederick Douglass Blvd
New York, NY 10027
(212) 665-7400

BGG Chats with R&B Singer Ashanti

I recently had a chance to chat with Grammy award-winning R&B singer, Ashanti. Known for her catchy lyrics and heartfelt tunes, this Long Island native is back and hotter than ever. Her latest single, “The Way that I Love You,” is climbing the charts and is in heavy rotation across the country. She’s declaring that she’s no longer “Foolish.”

Check out our Q&A:

BGG: Tell me a bit about your new album, “The Declaration.” What makes it different from your other CDs?

Ashanti: Well this is my first album in 4 years. I’ve done a lot of growing up and I did basically everything on my own this time around with the project. I executively produced the entire thing…behind-the-scenes and the creative process. So I’m really excited about it. It’s very versatile and you can just tell sonically, musically, vocally and lyrically I’m at a different place than with my last album; so I’m very excited!

BGG: What producers did you work with this time around?

Ashanti: I worked with a whole bunch of producers. Every single one didn’t make the album, but the fact that I was able to work with them was really an amazing experience for me. From Babyface to L.T. Hutton (who actually worked on her latest single), Pharrell, Jermaine Dupri, Brian Cox, Polow, Rodney Jerkins, Robin Thicke, 7 Aurelius – a lot of very talented producers.

BGG: What’s your relationship with the Inc.?

Ashanti: The Inc. is signed to Universal so it’s the Inc/Universal. And that’s what it is (laughing)!

BGG: What’s your next single?

Ashanti: I’m not sure yet, which is a really good position to be in because we have 2 or 3 really great candidates. We’ll see!

BGG: I know that you write all of your songs. What’s the inspiration behind your lyrics?

Ashanti: Just real life. Usually it’s something that I’m going through or something that I’ve gone through or something that people who are in my circle are going through or have gone through. No matter what, it’s always something that is real. I’ve always been really genuine and sincere with my lyrics and I think that’s why a lot of people can relate to my records. I’ve just always had a passion for writing so I feel like when you hear a record and you can relate to it, it’s like “Ah,” it’s such a wonderful feeling. It’s like, “I’m not the only one going through this!”

BGG: Are you going on tour this summer for the album?

Ashanti: Definitely, I’m not sure when, but I’m definitely excited about touring.

BGG: Tell me your secret to staying in great shape!

Ashanti: It’s about being healthy. I do have a trainer. I do try to hit the gym as much as I can. I don’t eat a lot of fried foods and I don’t eat red meat or pork. That’s just my own personal preference. It’s just about being in shape and again trying to hit the gym. If you really ‘wild-out’ with pizza, chicken, cake and all kinds of stuff then you really should hit the gym. You have to make up for it.

BGG: I know you once wrote a book of poetry (Foolish/Unfoolish), do you think you’d ever do something like that again?

Ashanti: Yes! I had a really good time writing that. I’ve been thinking about doing another book. I’m not sure if it will be poetry, maybe or maybe not. I have had an idea of doing a book called, “Ashanti’s Style.” It would basically be about beauty secrets and fashion tips. A lot of behind the scenes stuff that most people don’t talk about too much like, the miracles of double-stick tape! (laughing) Look for that maybe later this year or early next year.

BGG: If you could do a duet with someone that you admire, who would it be?

Ashanti: Wow, I don’t know. I’ve honestly taken it one step at a time and working with a variety of producers is already a huge step for me. I’ve always worked with in-house producers. But as far as collaborating, I feel like anytime you get two artists in the studio, you could potentially come up with something incredible just with a lot of talent and creative juice flowing, but I don’t have anybody particularly in mind right now. I’m still stuck on the high of, “wow, I’ve worked with so many different producers this year alone!”

BGG: What are a few of your must-have beauty products?

Ashanti: Lip-gloss!! MAC! Recently, I’ve actually been into the MAC color glosses for the last couple of months.

BGG: I’ve seen a few photos of you in shades similar to what you’re wearing now.

Ashanti: Yeah, I like it. Oh and lotion. I have 3 things of lotion (travel size) in this bag right now. You never know when you’re going to have to lotion up those toes! (laughing)

BGG: Your latest video, “The Way That I Love You,” is like a mini-movie; are you working on any new movie projects?

Ashanti: I definitely want to venture more into the movie side of things. I had a really good time filming all of the films that I’ve been in. It’s a different experience than recording. It’s good so I definitely want to get back into it. I’ve been out in L.A a couple of times this month working on a couple of things so I have my fingers crossed!

Check out her video here:

BGG: Is there in any role that you’re more drawn to than others?

Ashanti: For me I would love to get everything in one big ball – drama, comedy, action and romance! That would be ideal for me.

BGG: What would you like your fans to know about you that they might not already know?

Ashanti: Well, I don’t know because they usually know everything! (laughing).
Wow, I guess I would tell them about…(long pause) My favorite bike was my Strawberry Shortcake bike that I received when I was 5-years-old. It was pink and I got a pink jacket to go with it. The bike had a basket with strawberries on it!! I loved it! It was my best toy for like so many years! (Her mom adds, more like “FOREVER!”) And I would always wear my pink jacket with my pink and red bike!

BGG: Is there anything else that you want readers to know?

Ashanti: ALBUM IN STORES JUNE 3rd!!! Oh yeah, I also have this website site called,, which is a viral tool that you can use if you find out if that your boyfriend or girlfriend is cheating on you, you send them this email blast that you can fill out and customize. It shows a snippet of my video (The Way That I Love You) and basically it says my boyfriend is cheating on me and the way I’m going to get him back is that I’m going to put a boot up in his ass! You can use a boot, Timbaland, high-heel, a machete or whatever it is and you kind of put him on blast so you can be like, “I caught you!” And he could be guilty of not being emotionally available, he cheated, or he’s trying to talk to your cousin and you just put him on blast! You have to see it! Just log-on to

So Glossy!

I recently had a chance to talk with Keisha Nash-Whitaker about her line, Kissable Couture. For those of you who don’t know, this beautiful and ambitious woman is the wife of Oscar-award winner, Forest Whitaker.

Being a wife and mother of preteen/teen girls is a full-time job that keeps her pretty busy. Lucky for us, she finds the time to keep our lips kissable with her line of perfectly textured glosses that go on fluidly sans the gooey stickiness akin to other brands. Plus, all of the shades are named after the men in her and her friends’ lives. Of course, the Forest hue is her favorite!

If you want a smooth, sexy shine with the right hint of color, these glosses are for you!

Check out our Q&A:

BGG: What inspired you to create a line of lip-gloss?
Keisha: I collaborated with AJ Crimson and we always talked about working on something together. I started out as a model and he’s a makeup artist. So with my background in fashion and his in makeup/beauty, it was a natural transition to merge the two.

BGG: How did you come up with the name Kissable Couture?
Keisha: Well, with AJ being in makeup – the lips are kissable and with me being in fashion, came the couture part. Put them together you have Kissable Couture!

BGG: What was the biggest challenge you faced getting your line off the ground?
Keisha: I wanted be taken seriously. I didn’t want to be seen as this fly-by-night celebrity-endorsed product. I wanted to be known for having a fantastic product. I just had to keep knocking on doors until they eventually opened.

BGG: I know that you created a special Valentine’s Day collection a few months ago, do you think you’ll continue to produce special collections?

Keisha: Absolutely! Life is a special occasion! As we continue to grow, we will continue to surprise customers with new festive collections.

BGG: Do you plan on expanding Kissable Couture to more than just lip-gloss?
Keisha: Absolutely! This fall we will add nail polish that will accent and complement the lip-glosses. In the summer we, we will add 3 to 5 new colors that will evoke hope and change. With the state of the world right now, people want to be positive and uplifting and we want to do that with Kissable Couture.

BGG: How do you balance being a businesswoman, wife and being a mom of 3 girls?
Keisha: For me, I always put family first. I work on Kissable Couture during the day when my kids are at school. Evenings and nights are reserved for my family. I am very multi-faceted. I believe women are able to balance it all.

BGG: Do you have any other makeup must-haves besides Kissable Couture?
Keisha: Yes! I love Bobbi Brown’s Shimmer Brick in Bronze. It’s great!

BGG: You have a killer sense of style; do you ever think about launching a fashion line?
Keisha: Definitely, I’ve thought about it a lot. If I did it would consist of chic & comfortable clothes; something that feels like me. I have been known to be in a grocery store in the afternoon wearing pumps – I’m an everyday chic girl!

BGG: In your spare time, what do you do to relax and have fun?
Keisha: I’m always with my hairdresser David; he’s a lot of fun! I also enjoy doing Pilates, yoga, going to the movies in the afternoon with my hubby, attending book club meetings, going to lunch and just hanging out with friends and family.

BGG: What advice do you have for young women of color who aspire to start their own makeup lines?
Keisha: Stay in the game and believe in your product. Know that it’s about quality and perseverance. Iman was my role model. Now there are so many role models out there. Young kids can see presidential candidates that look like them and know that anything is possible. I would say to dream and dream BIG!

Visit to order online and for store locations near you.

New Artist Spotlight – Karina Pasian

While most teenagers wish their voices can be heard about different issues, Karina Pasian speaks for them in her catchy, debut single, “16 at War,” which is an anthem of independence and admiration. The newly signed Def Jam R&B recording artist is only 16, but well on her way to becoming the next “it” girl to hit the airwaves. Her song is already in heavy rotation at New York City radio stations.

This New York native’s strong voice has caught the ear of many heavy-hitters in the industry, including the legendary musical genius — Quincy Jones, who happens to be her godfather. Her powerful, yet pristine voice has even been heard at the White House where she performed last year for an Emilio Estevez-produced event. Karina has also worked with popular artists such as Chris Brown, The Dream, Ne-Yo and others.

Having had a passion for singing since a toddler, Karina is a record company’s dream — she’s talented, likable and is cute as a button!

I recently had a chance to speak with the musical ingenue.

Check out our Q&A:

BGG: How did you get signed to Def Jam?

Karina: My A&R, Shakir Stewart, called L.A Reid and told him that he had to come and hear me. L.A Reid was actually on his way to Paris, but came back, heard me and signed me on the spot. Jay-Z closed the deal. There was actually a bidding war for me between record companies, but I decided to go with Def Jam.

BGG: Who are your musical inspirations?

Karina: Stevie Wonder, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Sarah Vaughn, Ella Fitzgerald and Beyonce.

BGG: Describe your musical style and what people can expect to hear on your forthcoming release?

Karina: It’s more like real R&B with pop/dance and hip-hop. It’s definitely real R&B.

BGG: What sets you apart from other artists out right now?

Karina: I think the main thing that separates me from other people who are out, is the message that I deliver. I sing and perform songs that have substance, integrity and story lines that touch people. I really want my music to change people’s lives.

BGG: Who would you like to work with in the industry that you haven’t worked with already?

Karina: Stevie Wonder! I admire him a lot. It would really be a pleasure to work with him.

BGG: What do you want to be known for in the music industry?

Karina: I want to be known as a real artist who is not labeled as Hispanic, but a person who respects herself and has substance.

Here is her song, “16 at War.” She doesn’t have a video for it yet, but I thought you guys might want to hear it!

BGG: What do you do in your spare time for fun?

Karina: I’m just a regular girl. I still go to school. I love to talk on the phone and go to the movies. You know, just regular girl stuff!

BGG: Who do you enjoy listening to on your iPod?

Karina: I love Brandy. I also listen to a lot of gospel including Kim Burrell & Yolanda Adams, as well as Chris Brown, The Dream (he wrote her single, “16 at War” and Rihanna’s “Umbrella”), Beyonce, etc.

BGG: Have you come up with the title for your CD yet, which will be released this summer?

Karina: No, not yet, we’re still working on it!

BGG: What advice do you have for other young singers looking to get signed to a major label?

Karina: My advice would be to always stay grounded, work hard and put your all into it. Also, get a good team; they will keep you grounded.

Meet Celebrity Hairstylist: Takisha Sturdivant-Drew

If you watched the Oscars last night, you know that there were some beautiful hairdos on the red carpet. Although celebrities’ hair always look gorgeous at events, they don’t get their coifs that way on their own — they have top-notch hairstylists to create eye-catching styles. Pantene’s Celebrity Stylist, Takisha Sturdivant-Drew is one of them.

Takisha is actress Kerry Washington’s current hairstylist and has styled luminaries such as Malinda Williams, Naomi Harris, Brandy, Erika Alexander, Rachel Nick, Cover Girl model Kiara and actor Nick Cannon — to name a few.

This New York native’s work can be seen in films such as the Oscar nominated “Ray,” “She Hate Me,” “Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” “The Fantastic Four,” among others. Takisha’s styles have also been featured in the print and television commercial ads for clients Pantene, L’Oreal, and Aveda as well as in Vanity Fair, W, InStyle, Essence, Nylon, Hollywood Life, Black Enterprise, and Ebony magazines.

Even though we might not be able to showcase our manes at star-studded events, we BGs take pride in our hair nonetheless. Whether we wear it natural, curly, textured, straight, braided or somewhere in between, our hair is always on point. That’s why I interviewed Takisha to bring you guys the hair 411.

Check out our Q&A!

BGG: When did you know that you wanted to become a professional hairstylist?
Takisha: I knew when I was 14 years old that I wanted to become a hair stylist so I went to a Vocational School in Queens and I was at the top of my class the whole time.

BGG: How did you get your start as a celebrity hairstylist?
Takisha: I got my start six years ago when one of my clients referred Kerry Washington to me. From then on I left the salon I was working at and started working for myself and opened Takisha & Associates in Brooklyn, NY. It’s been five years now and business is great!

BGG: What is Kerry Washington’s favorite hairstyle?
Takisha: Her favorite hairstyle is something that is not to neat. She loves a soft brushed out wavy look.

BGG: What do you believe is the biggest misconception about African-American hair?
Takisha: That it take a lot of heat. Blow drying, and then using a curling iron at the same time is too much heat for our hair.

BGG: What will be the hot looks for the upcoming spring season?
Takisha: Hot looks for this spring will be short cropped hair styles. Some fun colors like blonde, platinum and red as well.

BGG: What single styling beauty tool should every BG (Brown Girl) have in her home salon?
Takisha: Good question! Everyone should have a flat iron to smooth out their hair really quickly when it becomes frizzy and Pantene products to protect the hair from heat and perfect your styles.

FHI Technique Series 1″ Ceramic Flat Iron for $84 available at

BGG: What style do you enjoy creating the most for your clients? Why?
Takisha: I love a curly hair style. It is very sexy, messy, and you can sleep on it but still have a great look the next couple of days.

BGG: Are there any products that you recommend for maintaining healthy hair for both relaxed and natural hair?
Takisha: I recommend using Pantene Relaxed and Natural conditioning shampoo, and the Pantene Relaxed and Natural Deep Conditioning Mask. These products restore moisture and keep hair healthy. You can purchase it at any drug store.

Available at drugstores nationwide.

BGG: What advice can you give a young woman who wants to become a celebrity hairstylist?
Takisha: Know your craft, build an amazing portfolio, get an agent, and always be a professional. After that it’s really word of mouth.

BGG: Thanks for taking the time to speak with me!
Takisha: No problem, thank you.

Be sure to check out Takisha’s website: Also, please share some of your tips for maintaining strong, healthy hair!

BGG Speaks with eBay Style Director Constance White

Recently, I had the opportunity to interview eBay Style Director, Constance White. In that role she educates consumers about the #1 fashion site on the Internet — ebay. She also authors a blog on eBay called “Fashion is My Life,” where fashionistas can read about her take on the collections shown in NYC and L.A.

The prominent journalist’s impeccable fashion sense and style expertise has landed her various appearances on TV shows such as “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” “E! Fashion File,” “Project Runway,” “Today,” and many others.

White has held posts as a style reporter for the renowned New York Times, executive fashion editor at Elle, as well as a position at Women’s Wear Daily. Her work has also appeared in British Vogue, People, Essence, and The Chicago Tribune. She is also the author of “Stylenoir,” a groundbreaking book on black style.

Check out our Q&A:

BGG:What were some of the most surprising fashion trends that you saw during NYC Fashion Week Fall 08?
Constance: I was really surprised that belts and fur are still so strong. The fur trend is more than four years old and belts have been around now for a year but they’re both still hot.

BGG:What would you say is eBay’s greatest advantage in the fashion marketplace right now?
Constance: Ebay’s greatest advantage is the ability for buyers to find great bargains – fabulous fashion items at a great price. With people being cautious about spending and the real estate market at a low, eBay’s a great place to save money and still get what you want.

One of the vintage gowns on display at the eBay Style Suite.

BGG:What has been the most searched eBay fashion item for the upcoming spring season so far?
Constance: Out of the fall 2008 trends seen on the runways last week, Booties are one of the most searched for trends on eBay.

BGG: I know that you’ve spoken out against the scarcity of black models on the runway before, how do you as a fashion expert plan to help bring more awareness to this problem?
Constance: Continuing to speak out about it in public, talking to designers, and booking models of all races are actions I will continue to take to help alleviate the problem, hopefully.

BGG: Being a fashion mogul, I’m sure you’ve come across many fantastic and one-of-a-kind pieces, but what is your most coveted fashion piece? Why?
Constance: My most coveted item is almost anything fabulous from Commes des Garcons. Something artistic and ingenious, but wearable.

BGG: What classic piece should every woman have in her closet?
Constance: Must have wardrobe items include: a white shirt, a few layering camisoles or T-shirts, a pinstripe pants suit, a pair of jeans, a black dress that goes from day into evening, a black skirt, diamond studs, a good watch or cellphone!, and a good hairstyle.

BGG: If you could choose your favorite fashion icon past or present, who would it be? Why?
Constance: My favorite fashion icon is Diana Ross. She’s so over the top and glamorous and always cares about how she looks. She’s worked with what she has. She’s not the most beautiful woman in the world, but she has made herself into one of the most intriguing (not including her present hairstyle of course!).

BGG: What’s the most exciting new fashion-related feature available to eBay users?
Constance: I really love the countdown feature : it
counts down auctions in real time. This way you don’t have to keep refreshing your browser to see if you are winning an auction. It’s perfect for helping you win that coveted fashion item on eBay.

Vintage Halston gown on display at the eBay Style Suite.

BGG: What key piece of advice could you give a woman of color who wants to break into the world of fashion journalism/commentary?
Constance: Most of the advice is the same I’d give to anyone of any color EXCEPT to women of color I particularly say – network! Get out of your own comfortable world, if you have not already. Insert yourself into the conversation (in a respectful way), invite someone out for drinks who is not your color, ask someone for advice who is white, hang out in the Hamptons, and not just with Puffy. You need the broadest possible network of contacts, if you are going to reach your goals- and they are reachable.

Advice for everyone: Get educated (preferably get a degree). Read magazines, books, the Internet. Intern. Research the career paths of achievers in the industry want to be in. Don’t be discouraged.

For more inside fashion tips, visit Constance’s eBay blog called, “My Fashion Life” at