As a mother, breastfeeding my children was such a special, cherished time in my life.
From the moment they came into the world I offered them what I felt was the best choice—breast milk. Prior to having them, I researched all the facts about breastfeeding. I found that there were just too many benefits for moms and babies to not give it a shot. Luckily, both of my little ones latched on immediately and quite effortlessly. And, frankly it took them a while to finally let go and move on to the next stage.
To be clear, I don’t knock moms who prefer to feed their newborns and infants formula—I simply did what I felt was the most natural and beneficial for my family and me. I nursed both of my children exclusively for the 6 months, which is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. In fact, I continued well past a year.
Me nursing my son when he was still under a year old (I think).
I know that not every mom has as good of a nursing experience that I’ve had, but I encourage all new and expectant moms to at least give it her best effort.
Every mom is entitled to feeding their babies what they feel is best no matter what. But, in case you or someone you know is thinking about breastfeeding, check out these tips, facts and advantages from the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners and the American Academy of Pediatrics:
*Breastfeeding provides unique health benefits for babies.
*Ask the doctors and nurses to place your baby skin to skin with you immediately after birth (the baby must be healthy and alert) so that you can breastfeed.
*Try not to give the baby a pacifier while breastfeeding is being established (a few weeks to 1 month after birth).
*Mothers who breastfeed recover from childbirth more quickly and easily.
*Breastfeeding also protects the mom’s health.
*Breastfeeding saves money.
*Breastfeeding is also good for the environment, since there are no bottles to wash or formula cans to throw away.
*Breastfeeding takes practice and you may need help. Don’t be discourage if you find it challenging at first, it gets easier.
Did you breastfeed your child(ren)? What was your experience?