Now that we’re a full week into the new year, are you still on track with your resolutions? If you’re like countless Americans who’ve made the commitment to get in shape this year, Dr. Ian K. Smith’s new book, Shred: The Revolutionary Diet—Six Weeks, Four Inches, Two Sizes, will make it easier to keep your promise, and keep those pesky unwanted pounds in the past.
The New York Times best-selling author’s latest effort serves as a comprehensive weight-loss manual. Think of it as a book version of a hard-nosed personal trainer and nutritionist, outlining in reader-friendly detail what it takes to well, shred those hard-to-ditch pounds. From stressing the importance of meal planning to strategic ways to switch up workout routines to increase weight loss, Shred doesn’t skimp on articulating the methods and techniques needed to complete the six-week program. Plus, it includes easy recipes for delicious smoothies, soups and stews to help maintain the plan.
But don’t be mistaken, this isn’t your typical diet book. There are no gimmicks to getting in shape. It takes hard work, dedication and will power to see successful results as the former “Celebrity Fit Club” medical expert expresses throughout the book.
I recently spoke with Dr. Smith to discuss Shred, working with the president and his favorite pig-out food!

Shred: The Revolutionary Diet—6 Weeks, 4 Inches, 2 inches; Available here, $15
BGG: What sets Shred apart from your other books?
Dr. Ian Smith: It’s all of my best strategies in one place!
BGG: Tell me your thoughts on the key to losing weight with Shred.
DS: It’s not really a diet, it’s a way of life. It’s about a way of living. A lot of people think that they should go on a diet if they’re going to a reunion, birthday or on vacation. It’s fine to lose weight for those purposes, but I am interested in you losing weight permanently and for long-term healthy reasons, as well as aesthetic reasons.
BGG: Why is it so difficult for individuals to lose those last few pounds?
DS: When you’re so close to your target weight, it’s in general just more difficult to lose weight. People who have been successful at losing weight reach a plateau because they’ve done what they’ve been doing and their body has settled in and now they have to shake it up. The body has to see different foods, different quantities, etc. That’s what “Diet Confusion” is all about. “Diet Confusion” is about keeping the body off kilter so that you keep your metabolism going and your body won’t get adjusted to the same foods.
BGG: What do you want to convey to women about weight loss?
DS: I want women to know that weight loss is possible and weight loss is possible through making lifestyle changes. It is not about gimmicks to get those last few pounds off because once you stop the gimmick, the weight is going to come back. It’s not about perfection. It’s about finding a way to eat and exercising comfortably. It’s about making smart choices and balance.
BGG: Did you always want to work in the healthcare field?
DS: I always wanted to be a physician since I was a little boy; so my dream has come true. I was supposed to be a surgeon, but I got into weight loss and nutrition by accident. I was a columnist for Time magazine and a lot of my readers would and in questions about diet, weight loss and supplements. In order to fulfill the needs of my readers to understand in a complicated and frustrated marketplace I started becoming an expert in nutrition and weight loss.
BGG: Tell me about your involvement with President Barack Obama’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition.
DS: We (ambassadors for the White House) go around the country whether it’s on TV, in schools or churches to spread the importance of getting people to eat better and exercise more.
BGG: You’ve had many notable accomplishments throughout your career. What makes you the most proud?
DS: I think the 50-million pound challenge and having the ability to enhance the national dialogue about the need for us to lose weight and to be healthier. I think that was a big deal.
BGG: We all know that you’re incredibly fit, but what’s your indulgence when you just want to pig out?
DS: I was recently on “Rachael Ray” making barbecue steak, buttered mashed potatoes, and honey glazed carrots!
Watch Dr. Smith cooking in the kitchen below:
Be sure to follow @DoctorIanSmith on Twitter for daily health tips, quotes, etc.
Is losing weight one of your New Year’s resolutions? If so, leave a comment below and you could win a copy of Shred! One lucky reader will be randomly selected and announced later this week!
It’s not a resolution; however, I NEED to become more healthy and that starts with losing weight. I will definitely check this book out. I already have one of his book.
great interview!!
Definitely resolving to lose these last 50 lbs this year!
I saw him on Dr. Oz recently talking about this program. I just started following his Fat Smash diet this week with a few of my coworkers, but I would like to give this one a try.
2013 I am getting out of a situation draining my spirit and I want to get mentally and physically strong againits been to long
I’m in the middle of a weight loss protocol and I’m trying to figure out how to keep it up full time.