News: Jennifer Hudson Opens Weight Loss Center

Jennifer Hudson wants her fellow Chicagoans to get healthy and lose weight.

The famously slimmed down Oscar-winning actress opened the Jennifer Hudson Weight Watchers Center on the south side of  her hometown yesterday. Known for her incredible body transformation, the Weight Watchers spokeswoman and star of the upcoming biopic, Winnie, was joined by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanual at the weight loss facility’s ribbon cutting.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, the singer/actress said,”I never thought I’d make it to have my own center. I’m so honored to be here and see this day.”

Got to love J-Hud!

Are you a fan of Weight Watchers? What do you do to stay in shape?


  1. U know BGG,
    everytime I read something about her lately, it’s been negative!
    And all I hear is she had a surgery that she is TOOO Ashamed to admit too.

    Why is it when WE give back or better ourselves, it becomes a NEGATIVE ENERGY. (not always but dang too many times) Go J. Hud!!
    thx for sharing

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