Sweet & Sexy Treats

With Valentine’s Day a mere 2 weeks away, it’s time to tell your beau to check out BGG for great gift ideas! I know that many men and some women feel that it’s the quintessential pointless Hallmark holiday, but what’s wrong with having a day of receiving sweet treats from your significant other?

It’s the perfect excuse to slip into new sexy lingerie and eat deliciously decadent chocolates — what’s not to love? Tell him to start shopping now to beat the mad rush that’s certain to ensue days prior to the romantic day.

Here are a few of my pretty gift picks:

Pink roses from 1-800-FLOWERS www.1800flowers.com for $69

Mesh Halter Babydoll Nightie available at Victoria’s Secret www.victoriassecret.com for $34

Sterling silver diamond accented bracelets available at Macy’s www.macys.com $34 each

Burberry Brit “Sheer” Eau De Toilette Available at Nordstrom www.nordstrom.com $52-$72

Godiva Chocolates $85 www.godiva.com

Kiss Me Exfoliating Lip Treatment available at Macy’s www.macys.com for $15

Tiffany’s sterling silver heart necklace available at www.tiffanys.com for $405

Little Sheba Comes Back!

Photo Courtesy of The New York Times

Recently, I saw another Broadway play, this time it was “Come Back Little Sheba,” starring S. Epatha Merkerson. Known for her role on NBC’s Law and Order, Merkerson plays a faded beauty queen named Lola in this dramatic revival first made popular back in 1950.

Set in a fictional Midwestern town over half a century ago, the show revolves around the character, Lola, who is a frumpy, middle-aged, yet childlike wife of a recovering alcoholic. The play explores the depths of her insecurity, regret and loneliness. Lola is a needy and sometimes annoying woman who desperately yearns to feel loved and wanted by her husband.

Merkerson’s strength as a theater actor is truly exemplified in this role. Her expressions and spellbinding intensity successfully conveys to the audience her sorrow and dismay as if it were their own. Her co-star and veteran Broadway actor, Kevin Anderson’s portrayal of Lola’s alcoholic husband is also quite riveting. He sets the tone for this emotional rollercoaster with his subtle, yet perfectly executed gestures and speech that are akin to real alcoholics and substance abusers. The supporting cast also gives commendable performances and provides humorous spurts throughout the otherwise very serious show.

Even though this domestic drama boasts outstanding performances by seasoned actors, the overall plot couldn’t hold my attention throughout the 2-hour show. If “Little Sheba” comes back to Broadway years from now, I’m not so sure I’d come back to see it.

“Come Back Little Sheba” is currently showing at the Biltmore Theater, 261 W. 47th Street in New York City. For ticket information call Telecharge at (212) 239-6200.

Meet Fashion Photographer: Piper Carter

Photo courtesy of Ward/VH-1

Being that I am a die-hard reality TV fan, I tuned in to watch VH-1’s photography-based reality show, The Shot a few months ago. I knew I was going to be hooked since it combined my love of photography with addictive reality TV. The show featured the super talented BG fashion photographer, Piper Carter, competing with 9 other up-and-coming lensmen for a chance at photographic excellence!

Her intense passion for her craft and abundant charisma made her an ideal person to interview for BGG. I was lucky enough to speak with her recently. Check out the Q&A!

BGG: Where are you from?
Piper: I’m from Detroit. Actually the exact street of the original Motown!

BGG:Do you currently live in NYC?
Piper: Yes, I currently live in New York City.

BGG: How long have you been a photographer?
Piper: I have been a photographer since 1992!

BGG: What made you decide to become a professional photographer?
Piper: I became a professional photographer because I wanted to make beautiful images of women.

BGG: What kinds of images do you enjoy photographing?
Piper: I am a fashion photographer, so I enjoy working with interesting lighting, locations & situations. I enjoy coming up with cool ideas based on film imagery and sort of recreating the atmosphere or psychological state.

BGG: Describe your photography style.
Piper: My style is a combination of raw, earthy, cinematic, strong, beautiful, simple and fresh.

BGG: What inspires you as a photographer?
Piper: As a photographer, I am inspired by beautiful cinematography in films. Great lighting I see on the street and in the paintings of the masters from the northern renaissance.

BGG: What made you audition for the VH-1 reality TV show, The Shot?
Piper: Actually, I got a call from VH-1’s producers in NYC asking me to come in and audition.

BGG: Do you have any regrets about appearing on the show?
Piper: I am happy I did the show. It was a great learning experience and I received lots of exposure and recognition for my work.

BGG: In three words describe your personality.
Piper: My personality is so vast; I am not sure if I can capture myself in three words or I may give the wrong impression if you catch me on a different day. But here goes: friendly, humorous and inspiring (lots of people tell me I inspire them).

BGG: What was your most enjoyable shoot on the show?
Piper: My most enjoyable shoot was the underwater of course because I won! Plus my image was amazing! I loved the dress, the girl, the lighting. Everything was just gorgeous! I was hoping to capture an image that was breathtaking and I did. I saw my shot in my head as we discussed the plan of action; and I executed it precisely as I saw it. The model took direction extremely well. It was very successful and it felt good shooting it.

BGG: The least enjoyable?
Piper: My least enjoyable shoot on the show was the kids because children are not my aesthetic.

BGG: Why?
Piper: I like to shoot women. I will shoot what the client wants of course, but my aesthetic is women. I like to create images based on the silhouette and structure of a woman’s body, life, etc…I am always thinking about romance when I shoot. For my taste children do not offer what I am hoping to achieve with my images: confident, strong and sexy women living an awesome life filled with romance and beauty. It was difficult for me to “see” children in my images.

BGG: Name a few publications where your work has been featured?
Piper: I’ve had work published in British Elle, Trace, SPIN, Essence and my videos on French Vogue’s website.

BGG: If you could choose one celebrity BG (brown girl/woman) to photograph, who would she be if you haven’t already photographed her?
Piper: Jurnee Smollett, she is amazing! I’ve loved her as an actress since Eve’s Bayou and I had been looking for her in film roles ever since. I love her talent and think she’s absolutely beautiful! She’s very passionate and comes across well on film. I have so many ideas for her. I would love to do collaborations with her and do my fashion film series. I have so many ideas for her. I’ve started doing fashion films: they’re anywhere from 15 seconds to 2 minutes and are purely visual candy). I could shoot her again and again in a studio with the fan blowing her hair and just one light or on location walking on 125th Street in Harlem wearing legwarmers and a leather jacket. I’m just thinking off the top of my head. She’s incredible!

BGG: Is there a tip that you can give BGG readers to help them take their best shot while being photographed?
Piper: Be confident! Don’t think too much. Practice in front of the mirror and take lots of self-portraits so you can learn your best angles.

BGG: What advice can you tell other aspiring and younger BGs who want to make it in the male-dominated photography world?
Piper: I can say be true to your image. Learn as much as you can, drink lots of water & get rest because it’s a hectic field. Have faith and shoot everyday! Meet as many people as you can. Daydream a lot! Reach out to companies and let them know you exist. Read trade publications like PDN and get yourself listed in LeBook. Test as often as possible. Always tell yourself yes and practice yoga. Not only does the heavy breathing alleviate stress, but constant stretching helps you get into awkward positions so you can get the best shot!

All photos were taken by Piper. For more information check out her website: www.pipercarter.com

Silky Smooth Skin!

During the winter months, our skin gets extra dry, which is always annoying. There’s nothing worse than having rough and scaly hands, especially if you’re going on an interview or on a hot date. Not to mention it’s flu season, which requires us to wash our hands even more in an attempt to ward off pesky germs, leaves our hands super dry.

That’s why we BGs should always keep a travel size hand lotion in our purses. With so many different brands on the market, it’s hard to tell which creams work the best. Being the product junkie that I am, I’ve probably tried and applied them all for you! From the fresia scented dollar store brands to shea butters at L’Occitane, I’ve slathered and lathered them all!

Remember all hand lotions are not created equal! Here are a few of my picks:

Vaseline Intensive Care Hand Lotion $3.99 www.drugstores.com

Jaqua Pink Buttercream Hand Lotion $8 www.bathandbodyworks.com

Carol’s Daughter Lemon Rose Hand Cream $10 www.carolsdaughter.com

Kiehl’s Hand Lotion $22.50 www.kiehls.com

L’Occitane Hand Cream $10 www.loccitane.com

Bliss Body Butter Hand Cream $18 www.sephora.com

Curel Hand Lotion $4.79 www.drugstore.com

Ears Never Looked So Pretty!

There’s no accessory that can transform a BG’s look like a great pair of earrings. That’s why I have dozens of them. When I interviewed Tyra Banks’ stylist Yaniece a few weeks ago, she told me that gold hoop earrings were a BG must-have. Her statement made me think about other earring styles that we should all have in our jewelry boxes.

From classic diamonds to ornate hoops, earrings can instantly take your look anywhere from corporate to glam in seconds.

Take a look at some of my favorites:

These classic diamond studs are the perfect accessory to a well-tailored suit. Available at Macy’s www.macys.com from $700-$900

These gold hoops can be worn with anything, but they really go well with flirty dresses. Available at Nordstrom’s www.nordstrom.com for $118

What’s more classic than these Pave Crystal studs? Available at Nordstrom’s www.nordstrom.com for $50

These delicate and girly Joey & Morgan hoops will certainly complement any outfit. Available at Net-a-Porter www.netaporter.com for $185

Pearls always provide that timeless Audrey Hepburn look. Available at Macy’s www.macys.com from $110 to $260

These beautiful Kenneth & Jay gold looped earrings are perfect for a night out on the town! Available at Net-a-Porter www.netaporter.com for $40

Diamond hoop earrings are a girl’s best friend! Available at Macy’s www.macys.com for $360

Sleeping Beauty

I don’t know about you, but I love to sleep. In fact, I’d rather take a nap than go shopping! Ok, maybe I don’t love it that much, but it’s definitely one of my favorite pasttimes.

On the weekends especially during the winter months, I sleep for at least 11 hours on Friday and Saturday. Even though I sometimes feel guilty for sleeping in, I always awake feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. Studies have shown that we need 7-9 hours of sleep in order to function properly so I guess I’m getting my fair share.

Getting sleep can help improve our brains, heart rate, increase our metabolism, boost our immune system and prevent aging amongst many other health benefits.

I remember reading that singing sensation Mariah Carey and actress/singer Jennifer Lopez both swear by getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night no matter what. Maybe that’s why mom-to-be J. Lo always has that glow…either that or a good bronzer! If these super busy globe-trotting divas can find the time to get the recommended amount of sleep, I’m sure we can too!

If you have trouble sleeping, here are a few tips to getting some quality shut-eye:

1. Don’t watch television or surf the Internet 20 minutes prior to your desired bedtime
2. Perform a sleep preparatin routine each night (i.e wash face, brush teeth, etc.)
3. Limit caffeine and alcohol intake
4. Keep your bedroom quiet and peaceful (NO TVs!!)
5. Don’t eat a large or heavy meal before bedtime

Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Even though he left this earth 40 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s memory and legacy are still alive today. We BGs and guys should be especially grateful for his contribution toward making our lives better in this country. His unyielding desire for all people to be treated equally despite the color of their skin was remarkable. If it weren’t for his courage and others civil rights activists like him, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

Take a moment out of your day to stop and reflect and honor this outstanding man’s legacy. Be sure to check out your local newpapers or go online to find MLK-related events taking place in your area today.

Also, be sure to watch Oprah’s special show today (check your local listings) in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

He may be gone physically, but his dream will live forever!