Sweet Treats

The Simmons sisters are at it again. This time they’re cooking up tasty fashions to complement their already sweet line of sneakers – Pastry. The extended brand will now include a handbag collection with messenger bags, hobos, bowler bags and duffels as well as junior sportswear.

Ranging in prices from $13-50, the line is sure to be a hit with young girls and women who have a sweet tooth for Pastry.

Next up for the reality-TV stars – lingerie and jewelry. There’s apparently no stopping these entrepreneurial sisters.

The line will be available in stores such as, Against All Odds, Mony, Jimmy Jazz and www.drjays.com starting January 25, 2008.

Wax & Wick Picks

Nothing makes your space feel more comfy and homey as the gleam of a flickering flame on a sweet or subtle smelling candle. A few years ago I wasn’t really into candles. In fact, I re-gifted several of these practical and often pretty products to my sister who absolutely loves candles.

My care for candles changed once I got married and moved out of my mother’s house and into my own apartment. As I started to semi-decorate the awkward and the seemingly out-of-place mantle in my bedroom, I realized that candles would add panache, as well as help create a sensual mood in my bedroom during those romantic nights with my husband.

Now when I receive a candle as a present I am pleasantly delighted; or when I smell an inviting aroma in a store, I am inclined to buy the candle that’s producing the soothing scent.

Whether you want to enhance the ambiance of your living space or give a gift that most people (mainly women) would appreciate, candles are a great choice. Varying in myriad styles and scents, you’re sure to find a candle that’s right for you.

Check out some of my choices:

“Tea Leaves” candle at Banana Republic: www.bananarepublic.com $24

“Eucalyptus and Patchouli Soy” Candle Available at Target: www.target.com for $10.19

Jo Malone “Coffret” Candle Set Available at Neiman Marcus: www.neimanmarcus.com for $85

White Barn “Apple” Scented Candle Available at Bath & Body Works: www.bathandbodyworks.com for $19.50

“Cannabis and Santal” Candle Available at Fresh: www.fresh.com for $48

“Winter” Candle Available at Bath & Body Works: www.bathandbodyworks.com $16.50

I’ve Been Tagged!

Typically, I post my favorite fabulous photos of the week, but I’ve been tagged by one of my favorite blogs, The Daily Cookie. This is my first time being tagged since I’ve only been a part of the blogging community for a short few months. For those of you who don’t know what being “tagged” is, it’s when a fellow blogger asks for you to share several tidbits about yourself and post them on your blog.

Here are the The Rules: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to then report this on their own blog with their 7 things as well as these rules. They then need to tag 7 others and list their names on their blog. They are also asked to leave a comment for each of the tagged, to let them know that they have been tagged and to read the blog.

Here are my 7 random facts/habits:

1. I have a serious obsession with sugary candies like sour watermelon slices, gummi worms and any candy besides chocolate.

2. I watch reruns of Soul Food (the series) on BETJ like I’ve never seen every episode on Showtime when they originally aired.

3. If I could, I would eat baked salmon and rice for dinner every night of the week. To be truthful, I almost do.

4. I used to work at People magazine.

5. I’ve never watched one episode of Friends – ever. Nilla Cookie, I know you probably can’t believe this since it’s your favorite show!

6. When I was young I wanted to be just like Vanessa L. Williams when I grew up! I was determined to show the world that I had the “Right Stuff!” LOL

7. I have a huge crush on Nick Lachey. I know he’s with Vanessa Minnillo and I am happily married, but in another life…!!!!

Now I’m tagging Tres Chic Style, Divine Blackness and Kreative Mix

Ho, Ho, Ho for the Host(ess)!

Remember when I shared with you my favorite festive frocks to don during this season of holiday soirees? Well it’s just about that time to put on your pretty party dress and head to your merry affairs.

But before you get into a frenzy about what you’re going to wear, don’t forget to pick up a nice gift for your host(ess). Because we BGs always demonstrate proper etiquette, it’s essential that we gift the host(ess) with a nice thank-you when attending a function at someone’s home.

The good news is that the offering doesn’t have to be expensive. A simple and affordable gift will show your appreciation for his/her hospitality. Plus, it just feels good to give!

Here are a few suggestions:

These cute Cuisinart bottle openers will make your host(ess) want to crack open that bottle of wine they’ve been saving! Available at macys.com for $9.98

You can never go wrong with chocolates because most people love it! Available at redenvelope.com for $42 These are pretty pricey, but you can find other chocolate gift sets much more affordable.

Your hostess will thank you for these adorable travel candle tins. Available at redenvelope.com for $26

Even though I’m not a card player, many folks enjoy card games! Available at gifts.com for $20

If you know about the party far enough in advance, cute monogrammed bar soaps will be a nice touch. Available at redenvelope.com $36.

Flowers are always a sure bet! Poinsettias are perfect for the holidays.

Beauty Booty: Lumene Radiant C Drops

About a week ago I attended this beauty event held in the fashion district in the heart of NYC. Even though I wasn’t feeling the best, I made it my business to brave the cold to see what the beauty gods had to offer.

Not exactly feeling up to reveling in what seemed like a really great party, I scoped out the scene and made a few rounds to several vendors and quickly decided that it was time to head toward the swag bag and make my exit.

After I got home, I checked out the goodies and found that I had obtained a few nice treats. I was elated to know that my trek to the beauty event was not in vain; although I am convinced that the freezing air made my cold even worse, but who cares, that’s the sacrifice one makes in the name of beauty!

Here is one of my favorites:

Lumene’s Radiant C Beauty Drops Available at CVS stores nationwide for $22

Although this anti-aging skin product came out a few months ago, I had never tried it. So I thought, what the heck? I might as well give it a go since it claims to make skin visibly smoother in 28 days and is supposedly packed with anti-oxidants, berry oils and other great skin enhancing agents. Plus, InStyle claims that fellow BGs Halle Berry and Vanessa Williams are huge fans, which only made me want to try it even more.

After washing my face, I applied the cute orange capsule of moisture to my skin, it tingled a bit, and left my skin feeling both mildy dry and moisturized — weird, I know. I then applied my tried and true Oil of Olay oil-free moisturizer that I use religiously every night as directed on the Lumene box (they advise you to continue using your regular night creams in addition to one drop/capsule) and went to bed.

I did this regimen for about 5 days and I must say, my skin looks more radiant and clear than prior to using these drops/capsules. Could this all be in my head? I’m not sure, but I can’t wait to report back to you once my 28 are up. Hopefully, my skin will only get better! Stay tuned. If you’ve tried this product, let me know what you think of it.

Time Out!

A watch can say a lot about a person. That’s why every BG should invest in a classic timepiece.

I must admit, when the battery dies in my watch, it might as well be broken or lost because I stop wearing it because I never seem to get around to replacing the battery. I haven’t worn my favorite stainless steel DKNY watch in over a year due to my inability to find the time to keep it ticking.

Due to the fact that I haven’t worn my favorite and only watch in so long, I now feel the need to have a brand new one. I’m not suggesting that you go out and buy a watch if you only need to get a new battery, but I am saying to treat yourself to a timepiece that expresses your personality. I’m hoping to find a beautifully wrapped watch under my Christmas tree this holiday season. Remember, a beautiful watch can act as jewelry and add pizzazz to any ensemble.

Here are a few that tickle my fancy!

Bulova Women’s 16-Diamond Bezel Watch $281 Available at Nordstrom.com

One of Oprah’s Favorite things, Toywatch in pink $150 Available at Nordstrom.com

Movado “Bela” Stainless Stee Diamond Bangle $495 Available at Nordstrom.com

Fossil Deshazo Watch $55 Available at Fossil.com

DKNY Women’s Slim Mesh Strap Watch $75 Available at Macys.com

AK Anne Klein Oval Dial Black Strap Watch $65 Available at Macys.com

Diesel Digital Watch $120 Available at Macys.com

Burberry Ladies’ Signature Leather Band Watch $325 Available at Nordstrom.com

Stars Shine at Conde Nast Event

Celebrity BGs and their beaus came out last night to support the Conde Nast, “Movies Rock” event at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood. The special program honored the enduring relationship between music and film. If you subscribe to any Conde Nast magazines like Lucky or Glamour, you surely received the “Movies Rock” free supplement in the mail where they heavily promoted this star-studded event. You can watch the program on CBS airing Friday at 9 pm EST.

Singer and actress Beyonce.

Eddie Murphy and his fiance, Tracey Edmonds.

Mary J. Blige looking refreshed and happy.

A slimmed-down Jennifer Hudson.

New father, Usher.

The former Pussycat Doll, Nicole Scherzinger.