Why Did I Get Married? How many of us married folks have asked ourselves this loaded question? Truthfully speaking, I have never asked myself this question until I heard about Tyler Perry’s new movie, with the same title. So, this weekend I dragged my husband to see the movie because I’ve been dying to go to the movies since it’s the only place where I can stuff my face with nachos and eat obscene amounts of candy without feeling guilty. Of course, my hubby didn’t want to go because he knew it was a Tyler Perry movie and let’s just say, he isn’t a Madea fan. I reassured him that the hilarious and crazy old lady wouldn’t be making an appearance in this film so he reluctantly obliged and took me to see it on Friday. I had never seen any of Perry’s other movies, so I didn’t really know what to expect. To my pleasant surprise, it exceeded my expectations and was fantastic! Shockingly, my husband agreed that it was actually a very well written movie with a great message. All of the characters were relatable and flawed just like we are in our own lives. It really helped put marriage in perspective from different viewpoints. I think that I might have to hit the video store soon and pick up some of Perry’s other films and check them out because Why Did I Get Married was definitely a surprising treat. If you weren’t one of the millions who saw it this weekend, I highly recommend that you see it soon. In the meantime, check out some tips for having a healthy marriage or relationship.
Trust – If you don’t trust one another, your entire relationship will falter. Always tell the truth no matter how much you fear the repercussions. Like the Bible says, “The Truth Shall Set You Free!”
Communication – If you can’t talk openly to one another and express your feelings to your partner, then there’s definitely a problem. Never be afraid to tell him how you’re really feeling. Otherwise, don’t blame him when he doesn’t know why you’re upset.
Respect – If you don’t respect your spouse or boyfriend, your relationship is bound to fail. Remember, respect is a two-way street, if you don’t give it how can you expect him to?
Spirituality – If you’re not grounded spiritually with your partner, it can’t work. Always remember to put God first and the rest will fall in place.