If you live in the New York area and have a toddler in your life, keep reading!
The super bowl equivalent for the preschool set is coming to a neighborhood near you. Yep, “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Live!” will be center stage at Kings Theatre in Brooklyn on November 26th (2:30pm and 6pm).
Growing up in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, “Mister Roger’s Neighborhood” was a fixture on my family’s TV set. The educational program was familiar and comforting – thanks to the friendly star of the show, Fred Rogers. His gentle demeanor and upbeat attitude coupled with his smooth delivery of information prepared me for school, and essentially, the world around me.
Tickets are available for purchase here, starting at $22.
Back then, there weren’t a gazillion channels to choose from or online streaming services, heck, the Internet as we know it today didn’t even exist. So, when I heard that the show was being revamped to appeal to the new generation of young viewers back in 2012, I was thrilled—especially since my daughter had just turned two. She watched the show religiously with Daniel in his famous red sweater and has now passed that torch on to her baby brother.
Our family is excited to see the live theatrical production later this month. I’m sure it will be packed with educational tidbits, dancing, music and surprises!
**GIVEAWAY**Want to see the show too? If you’re in the NYC area, you could win tickets to see it at Kings Theatre in Brooklyn. Simply leave a comment below telling me why your child would love to see “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Live!” or share your favorite childhood program/cartoon when you were growing up. Also, feel free to tweet me at @BrownGirlGumbo too! One lucky winner will be randomly selected and win four tickets to the show on November 26th. The winner will be chosen on November 21st and notified by November 22nd.