Nail It: 6 Pretty Blue Polishes Perfect for Summer

I don’t know about you, but I’m in desperate need of a vacay.

Until I can take off to some exotic locale or settle for a beach somewhere stateside, I’m going to bring the ocean to my fingertips.

Soft baby blues and bright aqua-hued nail polishes are all the rage this summer. Forget about the over-the-top nail art from last year and embrace a more simple and chic look with water-inspired picks.

Whether you opt for a mani or pedi bearing the seascape shade, it’s safe to say that blue will boost your cool factor this season.

Check out a few of these blue-tiful buys below:

forever-21-candy-blueForever 21 “Candy Blue” Nail Polish available here, $2.80


Essie “Truth or Flare” Nail Polish available here, $8.50


Mischo “Jackie” Nail Polish is currently sold out, but check out the site to see when it will be restocked, $18


Lauren B. “Malibu Beach” Nail Polish available here, $18


Deborah Lippann “Blue Orchid” available here, $18


Milani Neon “Dude Blue” Nail Polish available here, $4.49

What’s your go-to nail polish shade for summer?

7 Tips on How To Avoid Identity Theft

With the Fourth of July holiday behind us, it’s back to business as usual.

If you were out of town celebrating America’s birthday, hopefully you didn’t share a play-by-play of your whereabouts on social media. If so, you could’ve put yourself at risk of being burglarized or quite possibly becoming a victim of identity theft. Sharing too much personal information online is exactly what thieves thrive on thanks to the conveniences of modern technology and social media.

LifeLockA snapshot from the LifeLock luncheon held at the iconic New York City restaurant, Tavern on the Green on June 26, 2014.

I recently attended a luncheon hosted by LifeLock, an identity and credit protection service, and learned that there are four groups who are even more at risk than the average American.

According to research, individuals who are embarking on a new phase of life are more susceptible to experiencing identity theft. The results indicate that newlyweds, new parents, newly single and new homeowners are all more prone to becoming victims.  In fact, newlyweds are 8 times more likely than the average population to fall victim simply due to insurance updates, name changes, and other miscellaneous paperwork.

For many of us, we will fall into one of these aforementioned categories at some point in our lives. In fact, a couple of years ago my credit card had been used without my authorization. That’s why it’s imperative that we protect ourselves from potential identity theft and online scams. Investing in a service like LifeLock is a smart and effective option. It can safeguard you from having to bear the legal costs of sorting out your life after financial disaster and credit score chaos as a result of identity fraud. As preventative measures it will provide the following: monitor your identity, scan for identity threats and track your credit score.

But, even without credit and identity protection services, there are simple steps that you can take to help keep your identity safe while still enjoying social media and other technological advances.

Check out a few tips below:

* Take identity theft risk seriously—so many don’t believe that it will affect their lives. In fact, 1 out of every 4 adults have their identity stolen.

* Forego a few conveniences such as using the auto-login feature on sites.

* Order your credit report annually.

* Never save private information on a public computer.

* Before you dispose of a mobile device, make sure you delete information permanently.

* Don’t overshare on social networking sites.

* Before you send personal information over your laptop or smartphone on a public wireless network in a coffee shop, library, airport, hotel, or other public place, see if your information will be protected.

For more information on how to protect your identity or what to do if you do become a victim of fraud check out

Have you ever been a victim of identity theft?


MyMediMates: A Cool Way to Safeguard Kids Who Suffer from Food Allergies

There are nearly 6 million young children in the United States living with food allergies.

Unfortunately, my daughter is one of them. She suffers from soy, egg and peanut allergies. It breaks my heart that she’s never had the pleasure of eating one of my special mug-made omelets or indulging in a chocolate cake on her birthday. While I know that she can’t have those things amongst other foods, many will not always be aware.

Now that she’s starting preschool soon and participating in more social activities outside of the home, I have to ensure that individuals are alerted of her potentially life-threatening allergies. That’s why MyMediMates’ wristbands are a must for moms and parents like me.

Medi-MatesMyMediMates are available here, $7

Founded by a mom, these brightly colored, adjustable wristbands serve as a creative and effective safeguard against accidental food consumption or any other health related issues including: diabetes, autism, asthma, etc..  Plus, the cartoon characters found on each band make it fun for kids to wear.

If your child suffers from any kind of food allergy or health issue and spends time at daycare, camp, school or even attends sleepovers, these wristbands are a smart buy!

Does your child suffer from a food allergy?

National HIV Testing Day: Dr. Rachael Ross Speaks On Its Importance

A few weeks ago I teamed up with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to bring you guys an up close and personal look at HIV by sharing the stories of two brave women living with the disease. Now it’s time for all of us to do our part and take action against new infections by getting tested.

In case you didn’t know, today (Friday, June 27th)  is National HIV Testing Day. What better day than the present to know your status?  Especially, when statistics show that we BGs are disproportionately affected by the disease. OraQuick Advance, the first FDA-approved in-home oral rapid HIV test, makes it simple and easy to find out where you stand. In fact, you can get results in as little as 20 minutes.

OraQuickOraQuick is available at drugstores nationwide, $39.99

Famed physician Dr. Rachael Ross (co-host of “The Doctors”) has joined forces with OraQuick to help spread the message about the importance of getting tested. I recently spoke with Dr. Ross, who is also an author and sexologist about her partnership, startling facts and advice for those who may receive a positive diagnosis.

Dr. Rachael RossPhoto via:

Check out some of the highlights from our chat:

BGG: There are many opportunities to help raise HIV awareness, why did you want to partner with OraQuick?

Dr. Rachael Ross: OraQuick is the only advance that I can 100% put myself behind. I’ve been an HIV advocate since college. So, to be able to do it now as a practicing physician and media personality is huge. If I can encourage one or two people to go out and get tested, I’m preventing. I’m preventing them from passing it on to the next person and I’m also preventing them from having a shortened life span (because they won’t be taking the proper medications). I’m also doing prevention because they may even tell their family and friends. Anytime I can use my platform to talk about HIV prevention, which is at the core of my heart, I’m on it.

BGG: Is OraQuick just as effective as someone being tested in a clinic/doctor’s office?

Dr. Ross: Nine times out of ten, if you ask for a rapid test at a clinic they’re going to give you the same one that would be found at the store. The only difference is that it may be packaged differently for at-home consumption. For example, there might be a 800-number if you have questions. OraQuick is 99% accurate and allows you to do the testing in the comfort of your home. However, with any type of rapid testing, it takes 3-6 months for the test to show positivity. So, if you contracted HIV last week, the test is not going to let you know that. That’s the case with all rapid tests, whether it’s at the clinic or at home. I encourage anyone who thinks they may as though they may have contracted HIV within the past few weeks; they’re going to have to get a blood test to get that information.

BGG: What do you think is the most important thing we can do to help reverse the stigma attached to HIV?

Dr.Ross: I’m not sure there’s a stigma. I think what needs to happen is that people need to understand  that there are currently 1.1 million living with the virus in the United States and many of them don’t know it. Also, African-Americans are 8 times more likely to contract the virus than anyone else in this country. HIV is so preventable and it’s running rampant in our community. Half of HIV infections are concentrated in the South where we are, as well as our HBCUs (historically black colleges and universities).

NOTE: HIV testing is especially important in the African American community, where HIV incidences are growing. Unless the course of the epidemic changes, at some point in their lifetime, an estimated 1 in 16 black men and 1 in 32 black women will be diagnosed with HIV.

BGG: Why do you think it is that we don’t hear much about HIV-related cases as much as we did in the ’80s and ’90s?

Dr. Ross: HIV used to be a death sentence, but it’s now considered a chronic illness. Since we’ve gotten away from 20-somethings dying, we’ve moved to this thing that we can’t see. HIV is now easy to manage and you don’t really have to tell people that you have it. You can take your medication and vitamins and people won’t know. Also, because it predominately affects African-Americans. When you have illnesses that predominately affect minorities, it’s not on the minds of the majority. Therefore, it’s not going to be something that we talk about regularly.

BGG: What advice would you give to someone who has just received a positive HIV diagnosis?

Dr. Ross: First, recognize that it is not the end of the world and that life continues to go on. Second, get a support system together. In most cases that’s going to be your family; be careful with your friends because friends gossip. Third, get a really good infectious disease doctor. You can’t go to your primary care doctor because you need someone who specializes in HIV care. Also, plan for your future. If you do become positive, remember that it is illegal in many states to have unprotected sex with someone without informing them about your status. Your whole life changes so you have to be protective of yourself and those around you. Knowing and getting on medication is the best thing you can do for yourself.

For more information on HIV prevention, testing, facts, etc,  please visit

Will you get tested today in honor of National HIV Testing Day?

Church 2.0: Spirituality, Social Media and Mobile Technology

Like many little brown girls growing up on the Southside of Chicago, I was raised in the church. While my family and I didn’t go every single Sunday, we went enough for me to remember it vividly.

I recall being bored and passing the time by counting down the minutes until the service was over. Now that I’m an adult with an attention span that can withstand a lengthy sermon, I actually enjoy going to church.

park-slope-churchThe beautiful exterior of a Baptist church in my Park Slope (Brooklyn) neighborhood.

Church is no longer that boring, hours-long event I recall enduring as a child. It’s now an energetic, interactive spiritual soul fest! Thanks to technology, many places of worship are making it easier for its members to receive and partake in the ministry.

For example, gone are the days of not knowing a song and sheepishly humming along (I was guilty of that many Sundays). Now, many churches have song lyrics conveniently displayed on projector screens for the entire congregation to see and sing in unison. And, the technological advances don’t end there. In recent years, it’s not uncommon for large mega-churches to use social media and mobile technology as an extension of the service, but the education is still needed for smaller congregations.

“As we move toward a more digital age, I noticed that smaller and medium size churches just weren’t catching on and needed education on these technological solutions,” says Jason Caston, the Digital Platforms and Innovations Specialist at the Potter’s House/T.D. Jakes Ministries, and the creator of the iChurch Method.

In many cases, it’s not just the lack of education that’s hindering churches’ social media and mobile prowess, but the manpower. “There’s a lack of staff. There’s just not enough staff to work with social media, mobile, different technology, so they do what they can,” suggests Caston.

Since research suggests that we BGs and guys use micro-blogging sites like Twitter more than our counterparts, it’s not hard to understand why some of our churches are starting to embrace mobile and social media outreach. However, not all churches have been as receptive to the concept of implementing mobile technology and social media into their congregations.

“I worked with a large ministry and one of the church leaders thought that my iChurch method of implementing social media, mobile technology, online experience, etc. was trying to replace the church,” recalls Caston.

“There was a huge generational gap and disconnect because they had been doing things their way for 30-40 years. But, I had to explain that technology is there to enhance the church, expand the reach and connect with more people, not replace it.”

As most of us become even more connected to our mobile devices, coupled with our insatiable social media appetite, it’s only logical that our spirituality will reflect that cultural shift. But, let’s just hope that posting selfies from the pulpit won’t get in the way of actual preaching!

Here are four easy ways to incorporate mobile technology into your church’s program:

– Create a hashtag for your church to make it easy for followers to find all scriptures, updates, pictures and other information pertaining to your place of worship.
– To increase engagement, ask questions such as:  “What’s your favorite book of the Bible?”
– Tweet stand-out scriptures from sermons.
– Download apps for daily inspiration.

Does your church utilize social media as an extension of the service? How do you use technology to enhance your spiritual life?

Bridal Bliss: 5 Beauty Must-Haves

Now that summer is officially here, that means wedding season is underway!

Whether you’re a bride-to-be or bridesmaid, you’ll want to put your best face forward on that special day. However, due to the stress and anxiety of either saying “I do,” or serving as your BFF’s or sister’s personal bridal assistant, keeping your skin in check leading up to the big day and during the occasion can be a job in of itself.

With the help  of a few good beauty products you can ensure that your face will look fab for the bridal album, and of course all those countless wedding day selfies!

Check out these picks to keep you looking picture-perfect:

Pre-nuptial prep

clarisonic-mia-2Clarisonic Mia 2 Cleansing Brush available here, $149. This nifty beauty device is a cult fave because its pulsating bristles easily slough away dead skin leaving behind a radiant glow that’s essential for wedding day snapshots.

glo-teethGLO Solo Teeth Whitening available here, $45.”Say cheese” with ease thanks to this innovative whitening system. Skip the strips and trays and get several shades whiter teeth in as little as two weeks!


RapidLash Eyelash & Eyebrow Enhancing Serum available here, $30. Forgo falsies and bat your lashes with confidence by using this lengthening serum.

Big-Day Beauty

By-Terry-Cheek-to-CheekBy Terry Cheek to Cheek Water Color Blush  available here, $48. You’ll be a blushing bride with this natural cherry-colored flush to the cheeks. And, don’t worry about whether  it will suit your skin tone  because the versatile shade complements most complexions.


Skindinavia Makeup Finishing Spray Oil Control available here, $29. Keep shiny skin at bay with this oil-absorbing spray for a camera-ready look.

Are you going to be a bride or bridesmaid this summer? If not, are you attending any weddings this season? 

Protect Your Peepers: Contact Lenses that Serve as a Sun Defense

Most of us know the importance of using sunscreen, wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses to protect our skin from harmful UV rays. But, I bet you didn’t know that contact lenses can also serve as a barrier for our eyes.

Acuvue Brand Contact Lenses is the only major brand to offer a complete line of UV-blocking lenses. In fact, their OASYS® lenses provide the highest level of protection against 96% of UV-A rays and 99% of UV-B rays that reach the cornea.

Since I currently wear eyeglasses and am looking to make the switch to contact lenses, this is wonderful news! I’m all about protecting all parts of my body from the sun, especially during the summer when my exposure is heightened.

acuvueVisit for more information

Check out these sun safety tips from NYC-based optometrist Dr. Susan Resnick to help you have a healthy summer:

  • Wear wraparound sunglasses with UV-blocking lenses
  • Be wary of cloudy days – you can get just as much UV exposure when it is cloudy, as you can on a bright, clear day
  • Be cautious around water and snow, as reflections from both can bounce up and into the eye
  • The sun is most dangerous for the eyes when you least expect it – in the morning and in the evening – when the sun is in direct line with the eye

Do you wear contacts or eyeglasses? How do you protect yourself from UV rays?